This is the Message Centre for scorp

It's help a friend day

Post 1


Hi all!

I've received this posting from a new friend on here, asking for a bit of help. As he's new, his friends list is naturally quite short at the moment, so I've volunteered to put his request into my journal in case anyone else can reply as well. (Particulary up your streets Rich and B'El) Rich for the request content and B'El for the techie bits perhaps)

Anyway, here goes - his number by the by is 6250245

Hello, could do with a bit of help please
Post: 1

Posted 41 Minutes Ago by youngsuper_Nigel
Thanks for the note you left me the other day.
I would like to know how I can put an entry in and so people can read it and reply. I am sorting out and re-designing my greenhouse to make it more accessable for me and I would like some advice on how to get the green algae and moss from in-between the window panes. I don't really want to take the panes out and can clean all the algae off the panes but can't get inbetween them.
Perhaps you may know or if not how I can ask for advice on here.
I thought about using bleach? Would this have any effect?
It has never properly been cleaned out before because of time but now I have and are trying to keep busy I would like to do bits at a time.
I get tired very quickly and also suffer from severe back pain so little and often is probably the moto!!

Anyway, will look forward to hearing from you and I am quite impressed with myself today!! I have managed to write my introduction!!
Okay it isn't brilliant and would probably like to add more things at a later date but it is a start. I am a , it gives me energy!! and off to raid the fridge!!

Bye for now.

That was that - anyone for tennis?

It's help a friend day

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164


Hi Scorp, was this the name you were searching for the other day?
I've gone and had a look at your friend's PS, given the short time he's been a member he has got quite a number of welcomes. smiley - bigeyes
I've seen that Feisor is his ACE, and he is a very dedicated ACE, and probably much better at the techie bits than I am (in my welcome message, I link to the help page Feisor has created). smiley - smiley
However, you can leave your friend my Unumber if you think there's something I could help him with. smiley - ok
Btw, you can make a start by giving him this link:
Gardeners' Guild A3461898


It's help a friend day

Post 3


Hi, Bel,

Scorp's gallivanting again so I will see that Nigel gets your message just in case he doesn't spot it. I didn't know about that link. but then it would take a lifetime to discover everything on HooToo.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

It's help a friend day

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

Hi Websailor, I've now seen that Scorp is on Nigel's friendslist, so this conversation will pop up in his conversation list anyway, links and all. smiley - biggrin
Another message certainly can't go amiss, though. smiley - ok

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