A Conversation for Vegetarian Food For Meat-Eaters

Halloumi is the answer

Post 1


I suggest serving Halloumi kebabs. Halloumi is very meaty and will satisfy most meat eaters. What I do is to thread 2cm cubes of Halloumi on a skewer with chucnks of courgette, shallots and cherry tomatoes. Marinade them in lemon and chilli (I use Sambal Ulek). Then I grill them until all the veg is done.

Works very well.

Halloumi is the answer

Post 2

Megan - another transient astronomer

Sounds like it would be fantastic on a barbecue! smiley - smiley I often do mushrooms and chunks of red pepper too.

Halloumi is the answer

Post 3


What actually *is* Halloumi ? smiley - huh


Halloumi is the answer

Post 4


Halloumi is a type of hard rubbery white cheese.

Take a look at this excellent description:


Halloumi is the answer

Post 5

fords - number 1 all over heaven

That stuff is bogging smiley - yuk

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