
h2g2as: Charting the Uncharted Backwaters of the Universe I am currently a postdoc at ASTRON in the Netherlands. Before that, I was a postdoc at the Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy in Perth, Australia. I'm working on nearby starburst galaxies and widefield imaging. I completed my PhD at Jodrell Bank Observatory, part of the University of Manchester, UK. I'm still working on M82 - a starburst galaxy in Ursa Major but have a few other projects these days. When I'm not at my desk I'm usually out talking to school groups and having fun with balloon rockets (outreach rocks). In my spare time (yeah right!) I still write articles for the astronomy society back home, go camping with my Scouts, and occasionally I still build rockets. Oh yes, and I'm still the news-hound for the Jodcastsmiley - star.

In 2003 I spent the summer working at the Anglo-Australian Observatory in Sydney, Australia. I didn't do a lot of astrophysics, but I did work on a planned laser communications system to Mars which included using Povray to animate what the system would look like. I also got to visit the telescopes at Siding Spring Observatory which was absolutely fantastic. My photo-diary type-thing can be found here.

In 2002 I was accepted on the Summer Student Program at Jodrell Bank where I spent the summer working in the Gravitational Lens research group. Half of my time there was spent leaning Perl in order to update the huge CLASS data archive and the other half was spent working on a particular lens called B0445+123 which was discovered by the CLASS survey which has been carried out over the last few years. My job was to put all the radio and optical data together and write the discovery paper for B0445. The paper was accepted for publication by MNRAS in October 2002.

Have a shout about light pollution: CfDS, iCan campaign

My old homepage is here (my even older one at Tripod). Info on the old rocket project(s) can be found here.

The H2G2 Astronomy Society

My favourite penguin: Tux


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Megan - another transient astronomer

Researcher U165548

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