Vegetarian Food For Meat-Eaters

18 Conversations

Famous vegetarians Paul and the late Linda McCartney, eating veggie burgers

Ever since the 'healthy eating' revolution of the late 1970s, thousands upon thousands of recipes have been created to provide veggie alternatives to classic meat dishes. From quorn through to nut roast rolls, the variety is seemingly endless.

However, in today's even more health-conscious environment, what kind of meals would you prepare for meat-eaters in order to help convince them that vegetarianism is the way forward? What meals can you rustle up to convince the most confirmed carnivore to cast aside their pork chops and cutlets?

In this week's Talking Point, we're looking for:

  • Straightforward, simple-to-prepare vegetarian recipes

  • What flavours would a carnivore already be familiar with? For example, what could you replace the ham on a ham and pineapple pizza with?

  • Are tofu and soya the only options?

  • Practical examples of how going veggie has helped your health - or vice versa, in fact!

Send in your suggestions - the best may be used in a future Edited Guide entry.

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