This is the Message Centre for Birbeck

Birby, How you getting on?

Post 1


I see you looked at a couple of my latest, come on tell me how awful they are! What do you think of the new setup.? Like the larger font when writing a work online, easier for me as I wear specks to read these days. It's lonely here, give me a crit. Pretty please. smiley - hug

Birby, How you getting on?

Post 2


Hello there
I've just read your very honest profile; mine is not so unlike yours in some parts. I failed my 11+, but only probably because my math ability lacks any ability! I always hated school from day one (didn't want to leave my mum, I suppose). Despite coming top in English in yr 8 (only non-white person in my class, others in lowers), and always excelling in History, music & art (what happened?) I didn't stay on at school, so didn't take 'O' levels at school. Instead, I wasted years at college (& my life, men always seemed to thwart my 'living'). Somehow managed to get into several good unis, attended two and never completed History/Politics degree (finally did a p/t uni diploma course: Social Policy, obtained an overall Merit - some essays with Distinctions). Never thought myself academic, but now told I've a fairly retentive memory. Should I put this in my Profile? I'm not like you, don't like telling too much. I could never live in the same place all my life, and should be moving West next year.

Sorry, but I shall have to read your stuff later. I've not used the site recently, too busy. I do like the format & colours! But there's still room for improvement.

Take care, until...
Birbecksmiley - hug

PS Just brought a new keyboard - wow, it's got the € sign (struggled to do that, as it's to the right of the 4 ($ above 4).

Birby, How you getting on?

Post 3


...just bought...! Call myself a writer!

Birby, How you getting on?

Post 4


Yeah, the maths thing is the same as well!
Good that you went to Uni though. Being around the same age as myself, did you find the fact you were black, stood in your way, not that it should, it was the way of the world back then, and still is to a certain extent.
Here in Suffolk you don't see many people from ethnic minorities, and to be blunt I was brought up in a family who made and make derogatory remarks (ignorant) about anyone who lives slightly different to the way they do, as if we are the only ones who conduct ourselves correctly. I see through all of the b***s**T now, glad I broke the mould. When I lived in a council house in Ipswich, a neighbour came round with a petition she wanted me to sign, an asian family were moving in and although she was in the next block as it were was worried about the smell of curry. Told her where to go, the family moved in and were better residents than some white families. I think it was because she was selling the council house and suspected the family might affect the price.
Everyone is talking about members on here who have multiple identities. With screen names I think you have to expect that, quite what it achieves I can't imagine. We can be whoever we want to be on here and it's a matter of trusting you instincts as to who you think is genuine. Thanks for saying I'm honest, truth is there was so much going on that I wasn't completely sure about when I was younger, that I feel truth is ALL. smiley - smooch

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