This is the Message Centre for Birbeck

New Look Site.

Post 1


Birbeck, Just read that the site is to have a make over. First impressions are that it may be to weed out the straw from the chaff. The only people who will get picked will be those who are excellant writers, leaving people like me high and dry. What do you think.? Or have I got it all wrong. smiley - erm

New Look Site.

Post 2


Hi there

Just arrived back in London. I don't know where you clever people read all this stuff, as I don't know where to look. You'll have no such trouble getting on site, your work is unique and well-written. If I get refused then I'll have to go back to writing classes.

I was sent an e-mail telling me I was going to be on the BBC's GW Star Poster in the Newsletter this fortnight! Why? Because of the great contribution I make - so I'll be able to choose a book & I get some goodies. I don't think I'll read it as I don't know what they're talking about.

Keep writing. Speak to you soon.
Birbecksmiley - cheerup

New Look Site.

Post 3


Hi Birbeck, Congratulations you deserve it, enjoy. I am compiling this post on the old 'Get Writing' site for the second time. When I clicked on post there was something wrong, so I lost it all the first time. Guess the new site is H2G2, all my details are on there. At first glance it looks less intimate than the old one. Probably just my first impression, as apart from looking to see who was online, I've not used it for anything else yet. My writing is unique, do you mean all the errors! smiley - smiley I read about the new site on one of the threads in 'Round Table'. smiley - hug


Post 4


The thing I love about this site is the ability to nosey in on other people's conversations!
Just thought I'd add my two-pennorth. My understanding is that the new site is a replacement for this one, everybody and everything will get carried over, but there will be some new features etc. The H2G2 thing was a technical glitch, we all have H2G2 memberships as GW is a sub-site of H2G2. All those people who have done clever things with their pofos do it on H2G2.
BTW, if you don't get the 'purple prose' newsletter, e-mail me and I'll forward you mine, so you can see your name in lights.
[email protected]



Post 5


I must be the most simple-minded person on this site - I only know about the star profile thing because I received an e-mail; which I still haven't answered to get my goodies!

I don't delve too deeply into the site. What is H2G2, etc & etc? I just read works, try to make comments (too long, I know) and put the odd piece on site.

Please help me? (Although I think I maybe beyond hope.)

Thanks, Birbeck


Post 6


Hi Birbeck,

You can signup for the GW newsletter (purple prose) at

I think it's fortnightly. The 'bit' about you says:

And the gold medal (and Get Writing goodie-bag) for posting on Get Writing this fortnight goes to Birbeck. Birbeck is a regular reader and reviewer of work on the site, but even more importantly she's a great champion of other people's work. If she reads something she likes, she'll let everyone else know so they can read it too. We like that, that's nice!

Birbeck reviews Blossom's Birthday by Fidjit
"It hypnotises the reader immediately. It cleverly and clearly illustrates the innocence of childhood, abject poverty, anger, love, acceptance, inhumanity of man, optimism and forgiveness. I'm going to recommend it."

There have been various conversations in the review circle about the problems with the site, which talk about H2G2 (which, I think stands for Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy) a separate site but with common memberships.

The star poster is mentioned on the competition page, it is for the person who has contributed useful and helpful stuff - so well done, reply to the e-mail and enjoy your goodies!



Post 7


Thanks Fidjit for bringing light to our darkness. With your knowledge of IT you have an advantage over us 'dummies.' Have you any idea when this site will close?
In the list of what can be submitted for review it says, 'No fiction.'
Does that mean that they only want opinions on a subject of your choice?
I am thick I know. smiley - erm

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