A Conversation for Precious Metal Clay

Peer Review: A2786448 - Precious Metal Clay

Post 1

Terwal Oni

Entry: Precious Metal Clay - A2786448
Author: Terwal Oni - U767175

This is a brief introduction to PMC, for more indepth information you will need to buy some of the books. I have found most of the sites on the WWW are sales outlets and deal with many products as well as PMC

A2786448 - Precious Metal Clay

Post 2

Dr Hell

Great stuff.

I guess purist silver and goldsmiths don't like this thing.

smiley - winkeye HELL

PS: As to rings getting smaller - I guess this is actually no problem, the Goldsmith models the ring, fuses it; Then it shrinks and is too small, ok. But Goldsmiths *usually* make the rings too small anyway, expanding the opening is easily done (the converse case, making the ring smaller is a lot more problematic).

A2786448 - Precious Metal Clay

Post 3


Good work Terwal.

Can you say anything about the problems in silverwork or goldwork that PMC solves? Does it make life easier for the artist in any way?

Are there different purposes for the 3 types of clay? In what circumstances would you use one type over another?

Also, just some punctuation issues - a process, which drives off any remaining water --> a process which drives off... (no comma)

Precious metal clay or PMC for short is a recent development --> Precious metal clay, or PMC for short, is a recent development

smiley - cheers

smiley - peacedoveWoodpigeon

A2786448 - Precious Metal Clay

Post 4


This sounds like really neat stuff!

Can it be used for larger, possibly hollow objects??

Could it be moulded around wax perhaps, and the wax melted away before firing?

Love to give this a try!

smiley - towel

A2786448 - Precious Metal Clay

Post 5

Dr Hell

smiley - whistle

A2786448 - Precious Metal Clay

Post 6

Dr Hell

Terwal Oni seems to have elvissed - last post: 11 Jul.

Pity, as this Entry has very good potential.

I suggest a move to the FM.


A2786448 - Precious Metal Clay

Post 7



A2786448 - Precious Metal Clay

Post 8

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

added to the email.

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