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Post 1

LQ - Just plain old LQ

Just another note to say I haven't Elvised. Just not got around to finishing the entries yet - though I have a moment now, so may round off the main FF article after writing this.

As for my real life - well, holidays are here again. Not that I'm supposed to be resting from what I can make out of my teachers - after all, I have AS modules in January, so shouldn't let a minute go by without revision. They say relax as well, but I know what they really mean. Still, the modules in January shouldn't be too hard - three maths modules (easy), a Physics (easy) and two General Studies (one is easy, the other is French and an essay that's probably going to be related to culture or religion. Eeep.)

Hold on, they're not called modules any more. They're called units. Ah well, modules sounds more interesting. If you're going to have jargon, it may as well at least sound good.

So - plans for the Christmas hols are:
1) Relax
2) Read lots of books - especially as I'll hopefully get several for Christmas
3) Do practice exam papers
4) Play computer games
5) Write first part of English essay on King Lear
6) Read Larkin poetry
7) Write play for drama competition. Or at least come up with an idea.
8) Write sketches. I'm trying to become funny.
9) Maybe even touch on personal projects such as writing books.
10) Oh yeah, buy Christmas presents...
11) See friends. That really should be higher, but I can't be bothered to change all the numbers now. Question is, why didn't I think of it before?
12) Think up more excuses for avoiding doing the articles on here that I said I would.

I think that's about it....

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Post 2

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Good timing -- I was just thinking about getting back to you.

The bad news is that (thanks to essays, long bus journeys and, um, Half-Life 2) I still haven't finished FF6; the good news is that I reckon I've played enough of it to be able to produce a half-complete Entry that covers most of what the finished Entry will need to say, and I'm almost ready to add it.

I've also created a placeholder 'Compilation of Final Fantasy VII' Entry: A3424448. As you can see, there's virtually nothing there, but someday... Anyway, now that it's there it can be linked to.

I've taken to using anchor tags in order to make longer Entries more manageable, and I've gone back and updated the FF7 one. (Anchor tags aren't part of GuideML, but the GML parser lets them through unscathed, and unlike tags they can be named, as seen in A533927. You can use tags to link to named anchor tags, e.g. text.) I don't know whether you'll find these useful -- I've mostly been using them to make different sections of the same Entry link to each other -- but here they are anyway:

For the FF7 Entry, A2713556

#intro -- 2nd paragraph
#international -- International edition
#pc -- Playable characters
#npc -- Major non-player characters. (Header just above paragraph on Shin-Ra staff.)

I'll no doubt be adding more to the Compilation Entry (A3424448), but for now we have:

#ac -- Advent Children
#bc -- Before Crisis
#cc -- Crisis Core
#dc -- Dirge of Cerberus

Sorry about filling your journal thread with technical stuff... Well, as a more arts-inclined person I'm left wondering what's so easy about maths and physics, but to each his own. Your Christmas plans sound pretty similar to mine; but for my work-related element I shall be reading a frighteningly large textbook on political philosophy that I bought myself after realising that, having failed to do any tutorial prep at all for that module last term, I was going to need it. And at its current rate of progress I can set a finishing date for my novel of several centuries after I've died.smiley - erm

Merry Christmassmiley - holly; I'll get back to you once I've uploaded the FF6 Entry.

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Post 3

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Okay; it's at A3424736. Two of the (most obscure) characters lack details because I haven't met them yet, I need to add some linking paragraphs, and I need to trawl the fan sites more for links and info, but that's basically it -- although I've pretty well established since my last post that I'm not as close to the end of the game as I thought I was. (Which makes me inclined to play through the rest before doing much more research -- if I find time. Over Christmas, that's unlikely.) However, what I've written so far is all true, and I have to avoid spoilers anyway, so it'll do for now, and you can comment on what's there.

I forgot to ask whether you'd seen the latest Advent Children trailer (at ).

Anchor tag names for A342736:

#ff_sgi -- Final Fantasy SGI
#pc_major -- Major playable characters
#pc_minor -- Other playable characters
#npc -- Major non-player characters

Still here...

Post 4

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

I've now improved the FF6 Entry. It's looking much more like a finished Entry now; I don't think there'll be much more to add, but there are some older resources from when VI was known as III that I haven't looked at yet, and there are some links still to hunt down.

I've also improved the Compilation of FF7 Entry a bit; it now has a proper introduction.

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Post 5

LQ - Just plain old LQ

New Years Update on current list...

1) Doing, hope to do some more.
2) See 1)
3) Erm...yes...some time soon (actually I've done my only physics one, but anyway)
4) See 1)
5) Done, but still working on it
6) Done, should probably do again. I also ought to do some more research into it.
7) Well, yes. You can't push inspiration. (i.e. I haven't come up with anything yet.
8) See 7)
9) Maybe, sometime...
10) Did so. Bit late now if I hadn't anyway.
11) See 1)
12) Hopefully actually finish the FF article instead.

Still here...

Post 6

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Happy New Year. smiley - smiley

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