This is the Message Centre for LQ - Just plain old LQ

Less than 120 hours to go.....

Post 1

LQ - Just plain old LQ

...until I get my GCSE results. I'm paranoid....
Um...what else to say? I haven't done much. I loved Italy. I didn't get the Saturday job at the library, but I'll apply for the next one, which is coming up in a few weeks. I'm in the process of writing some fanfiction, and really really ought to follow the commitments I made with regards to the specific FF guides and the Thursday Next guide - that is, I ought to write them. Oh well, I'll do them sometime....

Btw, Something Rotten is good. Anyone who hasn't read the Thursday Next series should - this isn't advertising, it's advice. A review without all the boring stuff about the actual books smiley - winkeye

Less than 120 hours to go.....

Post 2

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Sorry I'm a touch late in replying; I've been effectively unable to peer at a computer screen while my glasses were away having new lenses put in. I don't know whether you'll see this before you get your results, but good luck.

Less than 120 hours to go.....

Post 3

LQ - Just plain old LQ

Dinnae worry, I just write occaisionally to anyone who may be vaguelly interested.

Having glasses fixed is irritating, isn't it? I had new lenses put in mine a few months ago, so ended up walking around school, most things a blur - and when I needed to see things I wore my (pescription) sunglasses. It was...interesting, if a little irritating having to explain to everyone.

15 hours and counting....

Less than 120 hours to go.....

Post 4

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Presumably you'll have the results by now...

Thanks for stepping in to talk to Mikey the Humming Mouse. We're currently having a fairly unproductive discussion; probably I responded to him with too much vigour. I'm just glad to see some further comments on the PR thread, but it appears from his last post that what I regard as 'robust defence' and 'active debate' look to him like vitriol.

At any rate, if what he says about the prospects for game Entries is true, then we may have a better chance holding the Entries on the individual games back until we can enter them all together, rather than trying it one by one. Although I thought mine would be okay by virtue of being a rewrite... Probably the first two footnotes did scare people off. Or something.

Less than 120 hours to go.....

Post 5

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

At any rate, since it appears that the FF7 Entry won't get anywhere without major cuts, I'm removing it from P.R. I'll be away (visiting relatives) for a week or so; when I'm back we can look at whether it's worth submitting a cut-down version.

Less than 120 hours to go.....

Post 6

LQ - Just plain old LQ

Yes, I've got my results....did rather well....

I suppose the stuff about not interesting the majority of people is true. However, in my view, this is supposed to be a guide about Life, the Uiverse and Everything. Final Fantasy fits into that rather well, as I see we shall persevere!

To be honest though, even I found some of your footnotes rather daunting. Should have mentioned it earlier, sorry.

Less than 120 hours to go.....

Post 7

LQ - Just plain old LQ

Oh, by the way...have you got any results for your Uni exams this year?

Less than 120 hours to go.....

Post 8

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

I've had my results for months; I think I intended to put them in my journal, then forgot I hadn't done so. I ended up 2.5% below the first year equivalent of a First -- not that the first year exams actually count towards the final total.

Congratulations smiley - applause on your results.

I knew some people would find the footnotes daunting -- that's one reason why they're footnotes; nobody _has_ to read them... Actually, I think the Guide, and the Edited Guide in particular, has a bit of a loose identity (especially with DNA dead, the Digital Village closed down, the original editor retired, and the BBC not having an obviously clear notion about where h2g2 fits into its online strategy). I wouldn't go so far as to say it has an identity _crisis_, but the way in which new Edited Entries are published on the Front Page, and the general attitude towards writing Mikey seemed to be putting forward, seem to me to reflect a magazine-style approach. I, on the other hand, went for the 'online encyclopaedia' approach, and tried to be really thorough and informative.

Anyway, the Entry should be quite an easy one to produce an abridged version of, and I can add it to the Guide alongside the current one, so that anyone who wants more than the bare bones can find the full version via the Search function. (I may even take the opportunity to add even more nerdish details to the current version.smiley - evilgrin) I'll probably wait until some more FF Entries are ready before submitting it to P.R., though -- safety in numbers, and all that.

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