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Summer Holidays
LQ - Just plain old LQ Started conversation Jul 18, 2004
Well, I haven't exactly been on here all that much recently and have been posting even less - and writing jounal entries very infrequently. I'm finding it a bit hard to keep my entusiasm up for this place when my entry hasn't been picked for so's not even as though there are problems that need correcting; just that no Scouts have selected it! Or even if there are problems, I don't know, because no-one has said anything.
I haven't bothered bumping it up in the hope that it'll be seen by some scouts dredging through the really old stuff and either picked or given things to improve on it. After all, it's now on the penultimate page of the Guide Entries in Peer Review...
Anyway, as to what I've been doing with myself. Well, I've done both my weeks of work experience - one at the local paper, and one at the local library. I really enjoyed the paper at the time, but during my time at the library I started wondering how much I had enjoyed it...partly because I really really liked it there. Possibly sort of like thinking you're in love, then realising you only liked the first person when you really fall in love with someone else. Except I wouldn't say I _loved_ it at the library - just really, really liked it. Enough so to apply for a Saturday job which just happens to have come available at this same time. However, I have to get this form filled in first, and then get invited for an interview, and then actually get picked. Especially problematic when you consider that I'm away in the week they're doing interviews. I was told we could arrange another time, but it's just one more complication. Typical.
And I'm now on Summer holidays. Other than doing this form, and the interview (assuming I get asked to go to one), and a thank you letter to the library for the work experience placement, and going on holiday for a fortnight, and getting my exam results (arghhhh...still nearly six weeks to go...I'm already very paranoid...) I haven't got much on. So I'll probably just spend an extremely unhealthy amount of time reading, playing computer games and on the computer...maybe even enough time to get bored with everything else and come on here to do some work on Guide entries...
Summer Holidays
RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky Posted Jul 19, 2004
Don't worry... my first contribution to the E.G. reached the front page today (well, yesterday actually, since it's now 12:04), and it was originally created on 4th March. There have been comments about Scouts preferring established names, but all is not lost; it's just a matter of playing the waiting game.
Coincidentally, I once did a few days' work experience in the library at an agricultural college -- lovely and quiet, since it was towards the end of term, so there was very little going on. (Apparently it can be very hectic at other times.) Oh, and both my parents worked in the library service. The experience left my mother with a very low opinion of local government bureaucrats, but presumably that wouldn't be something to worry about much as regards a Saturday job. Best of luck with that, and I hope you enjoy the holiday.
Summer Holidays
LQ - Just plain old LQ Posted Jul 20, 2004
Thank you, and you too.
Congrats with the entry! And when was the last time you actually updated it?
Summer Holidays
RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky Posted Jul 20, 2004
My last update before it was picked was on the 20th May; it was picked on the 21st.
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Summer Holidays
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