This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 1


To each and every one of you...

May the words rise up and meet you,
And I'll be there, somewhere
On a moonbeam, party swing
Rainbow care.

Thank-you sweet souls
for the love and the dance
for the music and the laughter
For giving me a chance

To write words, read in awe
Hugging thoughts, sewing threads
May the Gods fire your hearts
And bless all your beautiful heads...

Thank-you all.

Ina grá,

Jen smiley - peacedovesmiley - goodluck

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 2

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Lovely Cailin. I echo your thoughts, and feel your sorrow. Still we will be friends tomorrow, and all the days to follow. You'll see of that I'm more than sure. For I neer forget those treasured soul. Who's thoughts I've behold.

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 3


Thank Sundance for saying it so much better than I could hav done
Thanks Jen for just being you...
Thanks everyone - it's been one helluva ride and even if it is early in the moning, I raise my smiley - bubbly to you all
May God bless our next ship and all who sail in her

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 4


Cheers Clarissa and my sentiments too, Jen is a true rare en...

And God Bless our next voyage in cyber space...

Happy and Peacful Easter to You All smiley - peacesign Serinsmiley - hug

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 5


Cheers Clarissa and my sentiments too, Jen is a true rare en...

And God Bless our next voyage in cyber space...

Happy and Peaceful Easter to You All smiley - peacesign Serinsmiley - hug

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 6


And a smiley - magic Easter to you

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 7

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Same here Serin, Clar, and me little Penny Jenny.smiley - chick

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 8


Wherever there are
Words to be spoken
Friends to be made
Songs to be sung
Drinks to be drunk
We shall be there

Couldn't have done it without you all



Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 9


The Celtic cycle

One party ends
Another begins
One day ends
Another begins
One season ends
Another begins
One life ends
Another begins
One World ends
Another begins
One Universe ends
And then there is a gathering of souls
for another party!

And Celts have always known that.
The sadness will pass.

smiley - cheers
smiley - bubbly
smiley - redwine
smiley - runsmiley - magic
smiley - cheerup
smiley - hug
smiley - smooch
smiley - cheers

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 10

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

T'is the truth me Friend.smiley - cheers

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 11

Mighty Joe Young

Through stormy waters still she sails
Braving for all the illest wind
To bring to us her books of tales
That tell of how the beeb have sinned

She is no ship of which I speak
She is the dream of many men
Her very presence leaves us weak
We are in awe of our PenJen

With Celtic spirit she will fight
Right until the bitter end
Forever doing what is right
Leaving no-one's truth unpenned

Can we please now raise a glass
To PenJen who has worked so hard
She gave us laughs and showed such class
We love you sweetheart... Sláinte, a chairde

smiley - smoochsmiley - bubbly


Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 12


Ah Jen - just had a skim through the third anthology - looks fab smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin

Well done smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok

Sorry I cried out last night at 2.30 - needed my sleep smiley - sleepy I was so excited to get up and see the email though smiley - oksmiley - cheerup


Kitty smiley - bigeyessmiley - cheerup

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 13


Love and thanks for all you've done, Jen. And also to Kitty and everyone else who went down fighting.

It's been fun.

smiley - magic

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 14


Jen, I don't have time to tell you how much you've done for me. I owe you a million thank yous.

SPsmiley - hug

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 15


Love to you, our own sweet Penjen, a true guiding light in our hour of darkness, a wee dark haired bundle of fun, with the strength and tenacity of a thousand men.

Thank you Jen, for being my friend smiley - hug

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 16


smiley - smoochsmiley - hug to ya Penjen.....thanks for all your stupendously hard work over recent weeks.

Oh, btw this is spiderbaby.smiley - winkeye

smiley - spider

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 17


ah, jen!
true to yourself, you express the shared thoughts so well in poetry!
i am coming to the site after about three months; on the last day!
well we will meet elsewhere.
what are the alternate sites, you people are gathering at?


Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 18


writersdock namby

goodbye dear friends


Post 19



also more writing not up and running yet but looks promising


Post 20


I can't believe they are still pulling posts. Let the people speak for goodness sake.


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