This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 21

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Well Naby there's Writers Dock. Really nice there and then there's More Writing. It's just getting started. I'm sure it will be a Great place to hangout. Same goes for Writer's Dock. It's me fave for the freinds I've met since I've been there.

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 22


Good luck to ye all and see yees all very soon!

Jen (with very sore fingers!) smiley - laughsmiley - kiss

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 23


smiley - smooch

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 24

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Hey I made the last post on one of the convo's I can't find which one yet Cailin.

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 25


So we can just carry on here then...

Ho ho

Kitty smiley - laugh

Sláinte, a chairde...

Post 26

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

I was mistaken I'm cut off but you guys have gotten after me.


Post 27


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Post 28

the fat gardener

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Post 29


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Post 30

don't be nosy

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Post 31


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Post 32


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Post 33

don't be nosy

whats happing folks


Post 34

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Somebody made it through. I can't believe it Tig.


Post 35

logicus tracticus philosophicus

yes looks that way morning pen jen


Post 36

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Wht's up Log. Maybe Jen will get the news somehow. Bless her she's a Goodun.


Post 37


Ohhh, I wonder if I can get this little message printed! smiley - yikes

And it's so lovely to see Shifty, Log and you Kid here!

This is my first real attempt to sign in via h2g2!

I'm soooooo excited! smiley - wow

I hate that I've missed about 6 messages up there, though... smiley - wah

Damn them Mods! smiley - grr

Jen smiley - smooch


Post 38

logicus tracticus philosophicus

well jen two where from me telling you my phone no ,and stateing if you phoned me withinn 24 hours you had won a three week all exspences paid trip fot two in the bahamas , never mind eh


Post 39

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Does that offer go for moi Log. I live closer than jen to the Bahamas.smiley - biggrin


Post 40


Well, I have got a wee boat if thats any help smiley - fish

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