This is the Message Centre for superrouter

Welcome Resercher

Post 1

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - okhi and <./>welcome</.> to h2g2. smiley - laugh
I am Anthea and I am an <./>ace</.> smiley - diva
The Aces are hear to answer all your questions about h2g2.
H2G2 isn’t as complicated as it first looks just <./>dontpanic</.> smiley - winkeye
and why not take the <./>dontpanic-tour</.> smiley - runsmiley - bus
H2G2 their are lots of <./>smileys</.> you can find a list
by clicking on the link or you could just click on the smiley - smiley
You will probably want to jazz smiley - disco up your page so A690518 covers all you need to know. But A1095220 is very helpful as wellsmiley - cupcake
check out rocket mans useful links hear A725500 and this is Felsor’s Hints and links for new researchers A719840smiley - applausesmiley - silly

if you wish to meet other researchers come to the united friends at A703126 theirs lots to see and do on h2g2 just don’t forget your smiley - towelsmiley - nahnah

If your interested in writing for the Guide Writing-Guidelines is a good place to start.smiley - wowsmiley - book

you might want to click on A909010 explanations on how to use the more friendly background plain skin are provided smiley - ojsmiley - cheesecake

It is also a good idea to check <./>thepost</.> a new edition every Thursday smiley - thepostsmiley - angel

You can click this link <./>RandomEditedEntry</.> though where it goes nobody knows smiley - artistsmiley - evilgrin
So I hope I can be of help in the future feel free to reply to this message and ask me any questions that you have about the site. smiley - dontpanicsmiley - roflsmiley - cheers

smiley - doctorAnthea ( A1123372 - The Assassins Guild) smiley - thiefsmiley - ghost

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