This is the Message Centre for Zerrett87

day by day

Post 1


this is worse than i thought im losing my mind faster then i thought i wish it would stop... then i could be normal i hate this life i wish i would regenerate then i would be different. damn this stupid place i wish i could move to canada. stupid america... even better i wish i was galafryien... i think thats how u spell it. if what goes up must come down then what goes down must come up... right?

day by day

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Nephew Who whirling down from the ceiling
"You sound a little depressed, mind if I suggest to smiley - cheerup a tad?

Welcome to this wonderfull place, where you can create your own reality by your own design. Keep in mind anyone else can join your imaginative realm, perhaps then the fun just starts. "

lurking on many pipes
" 'gone' There is something gone, quite correct, so compact and so gone! Really worth a try in Peer Review smiley - winkeye."

day by day

Post 3


thanks but no thanks i need hope and it is fading

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