A Conversation for Comfort Corner Cyber Cafe

My Radio Revolution entry

Post 1


Hi. I just dropped in, and saw the notice about my Radio Revolution entry. Thanks for putting it up. smiley - smiley Pamela

My Radio Revolution entry

Post 2

moved to new address

Hey Pamela,

Least I could do. You are the person that guided me here! Please, tell me what you want on the jukebox, 'cos no-one ever comes here and I feel like Billy No-Mates.

I made Comfort Corner for the R2 lot, when I landed at hootoo. At the time, I didn't realise that there were loads of brill places to go. Meantime, the R2 lot have dipped toes and decided that hootoo is not for them. Also, a person who was upsetting everyone at R2 has gone. Am very happy that the R2 people are comfortable where they were, again. I'm a newbie, and love hootoo. The CB is not for me. Goodness, I hope this makes sense!

Have you made anymore Guide Entries? If so, tell me and I'll put them on. Have you checked-out Essjaybee's account of her trip into the Romanian Mountains? How I wish I could write like she can. Essjay has sent me a few e-mails but her intelligence is profound and wacky, and my responses pale in comparison, so I say nothing [I'm not worthy]. What a woman!!! Go, Essjay!

Love Correne

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