A Conversation for Comfort Corner Cyber Cafe
Jolly Old Saint Nick Started conversation Mar 21, 2004
Don't know who choose the the music this week, but heck, it's superb
The Darkness, David Bowie and Queen
Now what's the next choices then...
moved to new address Posted Mar 21, 2004
Please, Nick, you choose. I chose The Darkness, Queen and David Bowie . I know The Darkness are new and I always have a respectful fear of new bands, but they are just so good.
If you don't hurry you'll end up with Beethoven's Piano Concerto # 5 and Thomas Otten, 'cos when the babies are in bed I'll play one of my bathtime lists.
Jolly Old Saint Nick Posted Mar 22, 2004
Could we possibly have The Who, Blue Oyster Cult and Crossby Stills and Nash. How's that for a choice.
A song from each would have to be "You Better, You Bet" from The Who, "Don't Fear The Reaper" from Blue Oyster Cult and "Marrakesh Express" from CSN
Nick B
Play this for me
pamelamaesteg Posted Apr 27, 2004
Leave your music requests here!
I'm a J W fan, so Percy Sledge would be my favorite. Can I have another track by him please...'When a man loves a woman.' Second Track... 'The Joker. Steve Miller Band'
Got to have a track by Elvis Presley... 'Return to Sender'
End of night Smoochy... 'Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton'
hope you like these. Pamela.
Play this for me
moved to new address Posted Apr 29, 2004
What kind of a cafe owner am I when I'm not subcribed to the conversations???!!!!! Pamela.
Have put your songs on for you. Will try and tidy up my wonky table now.
See you later tonight, if you're around. I have a job app to do so will pop in here for some light relief!
Love Correne
Play this for me
twurlit_chuckle Posted May 3, 2004
Hi Corrie, old friend
Best of luck with the job application - trust it's something you want to do.
Play this for me
moved to new address Posted May 4, 2004
Long time no see, Ruth.
Lovely to see you again. Hope you are well and happy, and not working too hard.
Job would be great. PC died last night and I lost the whole lot!!! Has to be in by today (4th May). I was told closing date for apps was last Friday. I wish I had done it for then. Saw in paper I had until today so worked on it over the weekend, and most of yesterday.
Woke up this morning, thought right girl, if you want this job, you're going do your best. Got the form on-line and completed in less than 30 minutes. The original took me hours and hours, was very professional with all the right buzz words! This one was short!! and more from the heart.
Anyway, gave the forms to my friend who works there when we took our children to school this morning, so right now it will be on the desk of those that decide who's going to get an interview or not. Not me, I'm sure. Never mind - I always think if it's meant to be, it will be.
Will let you know, Ruth, and thanks for asking.
It's raining and I'm disappointed because have been telling the children about the lunar eclipse tonight.
Hope to see you again, soon. Have a good day. Waves bye bye.
Play this for me
pamelamaesteg Posted May 4, 2004
Hi. I'm in South Wales and I managed to see some of the eclipse, between bands of cloud. Best view I had was around ten -thirty just after the end of totality. Around Nine-fortyfive, although the moon was clouded out, the other part of the sky was clear, and Venus was beautiful.
Hope you managed to see some of it. Pamela
Play this for me
moved to new address Posted May 4, 2004
Hi Pamela,
Wasn't she beautiful? Thankfully, we did see some of the eclipse. We had given up hope!
Night, night,
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Jolly Old Saint Nick (Mar 21, 2004)
- 2: moved to new address (Mar 21, 2004)
- 3: Jolly Old Saint Nick (Mar 22, 2004)
- 4: moved to new address (Mar 22, 2004)
- 5: pamelamaesteg (Apr 27, 2004)
- 6: moved to new address (Apr 29, 2004)
- 7: twurlit_chuckle (May 3, 2004)
- 8: moved to new address (May 4, 2004)
- 9: pamelamaesteg (May 4, 2004)
- 10: moved to new address (May 4, 2004)
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