A Conversation for Comfort Corner Cyber Cafe
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Anyone been to the CB lately?
moved to new address Posted Mar 15, 2004
I used to think it was lots of love too. Oh the joy of this place. Must go and practise my "famous Mustard Seed "don't ***k with me" look!! (Didn't know I had one!) How about this ? Or this
? Or perhaps this
As usual, you say all beautifully. Thank you Here's a
, I'm on
Sallie, I have your e-mail. Thank you , it is the lovliest letter anyone has ever written to me. How come you know me so well? I laughed and cried. Everything you said makes such good sense. You should write
Will write to you later.
If you want to help me if you get five minutes, I need a picture for my page to go next to Comfort Corner. Wanted a fireplace and cushions, but got side tracked and have ended up with sloe gin. What do you think would be better? Have been playing with my page and tidying up Jeremy's. I love yours - makes me
Anyone been to the CB lately?
essjaybee Posted Mar 15, 2004
Corrie - you could look at the following Blobs... they aren't exactly what you want, but thought they were all pretty pertinent for use
B86168 (this is a shelf of library books, but you already have summat similar)
B4015512 (A cute hot teapot working overtime with all the TLC!!)
Sadly, we can't use external pics on here but maybe we can send a post to the library asking them to come up with something more suitable for us!!
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Anyone been to the CB lately?
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