A Conversation for Comfort Corner Cyber Cafe
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twurlit_chuckle Started conversation Mar 11, 2004
Hi Gang
Just settling down with a and a cushion.
Liverpool are on the TV in the Sports Corner and if the going gets bad I'll be hiding behind my cushion! If the ref does things I don't agree with the said cushion will be hurled at the TV.
I apologise in advance if I offend anyone - it is completely unintentional.
And if I start to get a bit loud and lary, just top up my glass please. I'll be either cheering my head off at full time or drowning my sorrows.
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Mar 11, 2004
I'll help you cheer or shout!!!
I haven't got any favourites any more. I used to like watching Manchester United, purely because I liked Beckham. Saw a bit of the Arsenal game the other night while I was eating my dinner, and it seemed every time I looked up somebody was spitting. Why do they do that? The nose-blowing gets me as well, oh dear. Just warn me when to look away. Any goals yet? Another ?
Up Liverpool !!!!
Geordie Girl Posted Mar 11, 2004
Hi Ruth and FBN
Other half has just been watching Newcastle and they won 4-1 so he's well pleased! What happened to Liverpool?
I think I may have a change of ID so watch this space.
twurlit_chuckle Posted Mar 11, 2004
Ah Well - we've still got the other leg to play, but they do have the advantage with an away goal.
Thank goodness the man in doors sorted the ariel last week, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to watch it.
Catch you all tomorrow
alzima Posted Mar 15, 2004
Hello Fly,
I am replying to everything in the vain hope that I may be able to make some sense of it all. I'm sure that I am getting on peoples nerves telling them how difficult I am finding this....Anyway, being as this is a sports corner, I confess...No, proudly shout out...I AM AN ASTON VILLA FAN. We beat Wolves today 4-0 away..Birmingham City lost yesterday to Leicester 1-0, Man U. got stuffed(twice in one week)..so actually..all of a sudden...everything seems right with the world !!!
Take no notice of me FLY..It's a man thing !!!
Best wotsits
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Mar 15, 2004
Hi Al,
I don't watch much football any more, I've got so fed up with the spitting and nose-blowing. Yuk. I used to be a Manchester United Fan, purely because boyfriend is a keen Arsenal supporter.
If you find things difficult, join the club. I was on CB for a while earlier on and saw you there. We do get about, don't we?
I am a Formula 1 Fan, and I hope things will get a bit more exciting in Malaysia. Do you watch it?
Have you got something in your bar with honey? I have knives in my throat!!
See you soon
alzima Posted Mar 15, 2004
I say, that nose blowing & spitting habit of yours must have been embarrassing if you were watching a match with friends...no wonder you packed up watching !!!!(ha-ha!)
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hi Al,
I know! And it all settles on the front of my shirt, have you noticed? In a tackle people just slide off me.
Making myself feel sick now.
All your fault.
You ARE awful, but I like you.
alzima Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hello FLY
Do we have to talk sport on here or can we gabble on about anything. I'll take the risk of being told off !!!
Did you see that post I sent to you the other day (don't ask me where it went...I have a job to know where I am since I've joined this board)I said that on my travels in this new land I'd come across some writers club or something. I asked you if you fancied a go. OOOOOOH !! Let me tell you, I came across it briefly again last night, the bit I saw was everso intellectual, wonder if they do one for Dumbos? Sport now..I have never seen much in F1, or any type of motor racing come to that..Is it the 'dashing' drivers you go for, or do you understand about lap times, pit stops, and Shumecker winning everything, even if he has to push other drivers off the track to do it.Forgive me but you seem such a gentle soul. Is this what you talk about at the W.I.
Finally, how's the Cornish part-time lover? Does he know where you go to at nights (over here)
Best wotsits
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hi Al,
I'm sure we can chunter on about anything we like, I don't think anybody is taking any notice of you and me, they are all doing such clever things. Don't mean that YOU don't but ...oh for god's sake woman, get on with your drivel..
Actually, I did see that question about writing and I always thought I had a book in me, but since I joined the MB my confidence has all but departed.Everybody is so clever and witty.
I'm reading a very girly novel at the moment, romantic stuff but very well written by Erica James. She goes into so much detail in her books and I realise I couldn't be bothered. I would have to go to the facts and it would be a very short book.
But, ifI wrote my autobiography, nobody would believe it, honestly.
I like Formula 1 because of the speed and glamour. Yes, I know all about pit-stops etc. and on the Monday after the race I drive much too fast, imagining I've got to overtake Schumacher!.
Not very clever in my New Mini.
Are you interested in writing? Have you read any of Essjay's threads? She is brilliant.
The Cornish lover!
I am going off him. He's got himself stuck in a rut and seems a hundred years behind the times. Yes, he does know where I go in the evening and when he was here last time he got quite jealous of my puter ha ha ha.
He has a painful ligament in his leg and we talk about THAT most of the time!!!
See you soon
twurlit_chuckle Posted Mar 17, 2004
Liverpool win an important game - hoorah!
Shame they couldn't have done that against Portsmouth in the FA Cup the other week - not to mention the league game against Southampton at the weekend!
Just got my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that we finish somewhere decent in the league - (going to be a bliknin' painful couple of months! )
ps: lets have your nominations for the winner of the Malaysian GP this weekend!
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Mar 17, 2004
Hi Ruth
Did you see, they are going to try and change the qualifying sessions again to make it a bit more exciting. Talk of just one session instead of two, starting out with the winner of last race etc. as they do now.
Who will win this Sunday? Who knows...Let's put some money on Alfonso.
I'd like Button to be on the platform.
Gosh, it's late and I've still got an hour's soap to watch which I recorded earlier. I'vejustdiscovered Journals (don't laugh). It all looks complicated. Do you have one? And how do the friends find out one has started one?
See you tomorrow.
Night night,
alzima Posted Mar 18, 2004
Evening FLY,
Like yourself I have fancied having a go at writing; also like you my confidence has gone AWOL after seeing how some Message Boarders run off yards of seemingly effortless, throwaway witticisms.I've written a few poems (purely for myself)but they are too personal to show others.I am not surprised that you are a romantic.It shows in some of various postings, mainly on the CB board.
So the Cornish lover is about to bite the dust( I was wrong about him wasn't I ?)
Keep smiling,
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Mar 18, 2004
Hi Al,
What a pity we won't be able to read your poems. Why don't you write one that is not so personal? Does it have to be about you? Although I can imagine that's the only way with poetry, it has to come from the heart.
No, I haven't got the courage to tell "Lover". We still telephone every other night and talk as friends do. I keep it that way and he is too scared to ask what's up. Daft, isn't it? Don't know what I'll do if he asks to come and stay but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Have you seen my new page? (Corrie did all the hard work). And I've started My Journal, I'm not sure what difference that makes.
Floundering!!! Shall we have a quiet
Motor Racing week-end coming up. Lovely if the weather is bad, I don't feel guilty then being on the sofa for hours.
See you
alzima Posted Mar 19, 2004
No I haven't seen your new page or your journal, where do I go to see them ? There is a lot I don't know about this land; for instance, somebody said to me, before I registered here, that they had noticed that the previous evening I had been browsing the board..How do they know that? I must admit I'm a little uncomfortable about some aspects of the set up.I know that I should be a bit more adventurous and find out things for myself about what is on offer, but.......? Perhaps I am a little too cautious.
The Lover...Do the right thing and tell him... you never know, he might welcome it.At least he'll know where he stands...that's of course unless you want to keep your options open....women eh !! makes you wonder why we love you all so much.
Did I see somewhere that you have put me on your friends list. If so, I am highly honoured. If I get round to doing the same thing you can rest assured that you will be the No. 1 entry.
Best wotsits
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Mar 19, 2004
Hi Al,
Talk about the blind leading the blind.... This is the fourth time I started this posting. Keep telling you how to do this or that and then keep having to check up that I'm telling you the right thing.
You see my name over my posting in blue? If you click on that you'll go to my page. On there you'll see on the right hand side somewhere also in blue: My friends.It's just above: Leave message. You click on the "my friends" and you become one of my friends (on your page)(confused?)
If you click on my friends on MY page you will see your name on there and a postin I did for you. Just click on that and you'll find it.
Yes, I've only just heard that people can sort of monitor what you're doing. Scary, isn't it? When Corrie was trying to help me putting on my page she could watch what I was doing. Better keep our clothes on.
I know there's a lot I don't know but it's all too clever for me. Wish we'd had all this when we were teenagers, I've always loved things like this but now there is too much to catch up on. When my husband was still working he used to tell me about computers etc. and wanted me to have one. "I'm sure you would enjoy it", he said, but I took no notice.
The lover.
Wel, Al, I think he's happy the way things are. He doesn't want to talk about "us". He's one of these people who is afraid of confrontation, a nice enough chap and very kind. When you get to know him you realise he says what he thinks you want to hear, not what he really thinks and it's brought about some dreadful arguments, as I believed it all. I had a beautiful Valentine's card. All just words, isn't it?
And I'm too honest for my own good.
The drain-men have just about finished!
The new fence is up.
The airlock has been fixed.
There's a new bulb in my light in the kitchen.
I've fixed the video myself.
The sun is coming out.
The kettle is on'
Life's on the up and up.
Motor racing week-end ahead.
Let me hear how you get on with the experiments, please.
twurlit_chuckle Posted Mar 19, 2004
Well, it's all happening in this part of Surrey!
Not only did we have the Royal visit of HM and Mr HM, but - and I do think this is even more important - on 29th March, The Web Ellis Cup and The Calcutta Cup are going to be paraded at our local Rugby club! Which is just at the top of my road - so come hail or rain, I will be there, with my trusty digital camera!
Now, have I got all my Ozzie mates email addresses......
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Mar 19, 2004
Hi Twurlit,
I was thinking of you this morning, or rather of the visitors there. It was such diabolical weather, wasn't it?
I always knew Surrey was the best place to be. We used to live in Molesey and before that in Kenley and I still like Surrey the best.
Loved Molesey, used to go to Kingston market every Wednesday to buy trout.
Why are those Cups coming to your local Rugby Club? Are they very good? I don't know too much about rugby, never understand why they go in a scrum, always wonder what they are talking about.
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Mar 19, 2004
Are you going to get up early on Sunday morning? I'm going to video it all and laze about till 9-00. Lovely if the weather is like to-day, all snug and warm with a large pot of coffee.
I'm cheering for Montoya.
Hope he shunts Ralph off the track. ha ha ha
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- 1: twurlit_chuckle (Mar 11, 2004)
- 2: FLYBYNIGHT (Mar 11, 2004)
- 3: twurlit_chuckle (Mar 11, 2004)
- 4: Geordie Girl (Mar 11, 2004)
- 5: twurlit_chuckle (Mar 11, 2004)
- 6: alzima (Mar 15, 2004)
- 7: FLYBYNIGHT (Mar 15, 2004)
- 8: alzima (Mar 15, 2004)
- 9: FLYBYNIGHT (Mar 16, 2004)
- 10: alzima (Mar 16, 2004)
- 11: FLYBYNIGHT (Mar 16, 2004)
- 12: twurlit_chuckle (Mar 17, 2004)
- 13: FLYBYNIGHT (Mar 17, 2004)
- 14: alzima (Mar 18, 2004)
- 15: FLYBYNIGHT (Mar 18, 2004)
- 16: alzima (Mar 19, 2004)
- 17: FLYBYNIGHT (Mar 19, 2004)
- 18: twurlit_chuckle (Mar 19, 2004)
- 19: FLYBYNIGHT (Mar 19, 2004)
- 20: FLYBYNIGHT (Mar 19, 2004)
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