A Conversation for Guesses for the Grand Prix of Spain (Barcelona)

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Post 1

GinTonyx - Keeper and Mixer of the Gin and Tonic, Muse of the Lemon Garden.

This (and nowhere else) is the place to place your bets on the Grand Prix of Spain (Barcelona)

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Post 2

GinTonyx - Keeper and Mixer of the Gin and Tonic, Muse of the Lemon Garden.

This is my guess... Let's see what happens!

U160161; 1; 2; 9; 3; 7; 8; 4; 5; 1; 9; 3; 2; 8; 10; 4; 14

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Post 3

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

U40285; 1; 2; 9; 3; 8; 10; 11; 5; 3; 1; 9; 2; 4; 14; 8; 7

Oh, and the page this conversation hangs off needs a bit of an update - it claims to be "the (un)official Betting Page for the Grand Prix of Monaco (Monaco)." smiley - smiley

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Post 4


I so want to bet against Michael winning again... but I can't see past him winning again. smiley - erm Here goes anyway:

U169062; 1; 9; 8; 3; 7; 4; 6; 10; 9; 1; 3; 4; 8; 7; 10; 14

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Post 5

Dark Master - The end is now (2005/03/01) Officially Left

ooooohhh Button for Pole I see smiley - ermThat looks like a good idea.smiley - thief

U565352; 1;9;3;2;7;4;8;10; 9;1;3;2;4;8;5;10;

Mostly Just guesses but its got me far enough already.... I'm not going to complain.

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Post 6

E G Mel

Ok, with a very small amount of research done :

U49849; 1;9;3;8;2;7;4;14;smiley - spacesmiley - space1;9;2;3;4;10;8;7;

I did think of Button for pole but I'm relying on Shuey not making the same mistake twice. I almost wondered whether to put Rubens in 2nd on the grid but I'm not sure what the fuel strategy will be, they quite often give hime heavier loads than Michael. Other than that I think the line up I've chosen is fairly conservative, I shall be hoping for more points than last race anyway!

Still not sure if McLaren are gonna get any points, always a worrying thing smiley - sadface

smiley - goodluck everyone

Mel smiley - hsif

P.S Does it matter if we separate them with < space >s as I've done? I only do it because it's easier for me to see what I've chosen!

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Post 7

The One And Only Juno Thundercat (The Patron Saint of Ham Sandwiches)


1;9;3;4;10;7;12;19 1;9;4;6;3;10;5;14

There! That was just random guessing, and I don't know who half of the numbers are, but I might be lucky.

Have you all read my race report?

smiley - angelsmiley - spork

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Post 8

E G Mel

Just closing the predictions.

Juno when you put your predictions up they need to be in the exact format shown on the rules page since Gin does some clever smiley - magic with excel to work out all the scores.

Here's what your predicitons this week should look like:

(See I did the hard work for you this time Gin smiley - winkeye)

Mel smiley - hsif

P.S Oh yes go an read mine and Juno's reports!

Mine is at A2493155 and the review thread is F48874?thread=404869

Juno's is at A2559765

All we're asking you to do is read and comment! smiley - cheers

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Post 9

E G Mel

Well that wan't exactly as I expected, poor Button, though it was nice to see Sato keeping BAR up and the Renaults had a great start smiley - biggrin

Mel smiley - hsif

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Post 10

GinTonyx - Keeper and Mixer of the Gin and Tonic, Muse of the Lemon Garden.

That was an interesting race. No, not the race itself, the results concerning our little game here.

We have a new winner! Dr E Vibenstein (U40285) won with 30 pts! Congratulations!

The overall standings didn't change much. I still lead with 5 pts over Dark Master and with 10 pts over E G Mel. Dr E Vibenstein did catch up a lot though...

Thank God our game is not as boring as the real races! You know, I didn't even watch it. Let's see who comes out on top at Monaco. I believe we will see a surprise... I'm not saying anything yet... let's wait and see.

Keeper and Mixer of the Gin and Tonic
Muse of the Lemon Garden

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Post 11

E G Mel

Ah, you're just saying that too see how many people you can fool into putting a non-Ferrari win so you can beat them smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif

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Post 12

GinTonyx - Keeper and Mixer of the Gin and Tonic, Muse of the Lemon Garden.

No, I said that because I think MS is not going to win.

Ok, I'll tell you right away: I think one of the Renaults is going to win. They will both do pretty good in quali and then have a rocket-start like last Sunday. Then MS is going to get held up and not get a chance to do his magnificent in and out laps.

But maybe MS knows about these tactics and goes for a low quali position with a lot of fuel to outrun them with a long first stint? Would that work?

Ok, I admit, I don't know. I think I will go for 180 Pts for MS this year. How boring.


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Post 13

E G Mel

If the Renaults get a good start they could do quite well out of it but I think the Ferarri team will be playing strategy games for all they're worth at Monaco since there is practically no chance to overtake.

It's unfortunate but I think the race will be quite predictable after the first couple of corners, you will be able to guess at fuel loads from qualifying times and from there it's a "fait au complet" smiley - sadface

As much as I love the atmosphere Monacco gives and having visited I think the place is gorgeous, it does make for a boring race. However I feel it should only be kept as long as it is safe to do so, whether it is still safe is another matter.

Mel smiley - hsif

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