This is the Message Centre for Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 1

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

WTF?! It means what you all think it means... Wistling Tree Frogs!
Acctually, WTF is a band from EHS. They ROCK OUTLOUD!!
WTF's first concert was when we had out "spirit week" for homecoming. That day of thhe concert was PUNK day. So i decide to be a groupie! I painted my lips black and put eyeliner on with WTF on the sides of my eyes. My friends copied me ofcourse! But we thought we put WTF backwards on someone... so if you know the REAL meaning, its pretty funny... back to the concert
WTF had to play the opening act, because the origional opening act's bass player was sick. WTF was awsome! They make up their own songs and everything! Next was the origional opining act... the Prostitots, they were very good, but they didnt make up their own songs... Next and finnaly came the best band EVER! its the DSEPD. DSEPD is accually MORE than just a garage band! They have contract and everything! Really cool!
I asked one of the band members of WTF for an autograph, but i know him anyway so it would have been pointless. Kyle (the drummer for WTF) is in the marching band and the JAzz band so naturaly i know him!
There is alot of talent in the EHS bands! Kyle plays baritone for marchingband, T-Bone for Jazz band and drums for WTF. Danny plays guitar for WTF, tuba for marching band and trumpet for jazz band! Adam is a great bass for WTF and a trumpet in Jazz and marching band!
I thought Jeffers should be mentioned too. That mini guitar god sounds better than Jimi Hendrix! He can just freak out and play the best solo ever! Alicia can bacg on the drums in her sleep! Mary can pluck the bass guitar as well as Jeffers can play the guitar. Zach and Kyle are awsome t-bones! and Tyler can swing on the sax like NOONES buisness!
There are so many more talented people in our bands, but unfortunatly, i dont have time to give them all credit. I just thought I would give some 15 minutes of fame to those who dont get enough recognition.
Rock On!

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 2

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

*sigh* Wish I was at EHS...
Our band back here in Oz hasn't even had a second jam sesh yet because the other two members have major violin exams coming up and they're going crazy studying. We'll get around to it eventually.
On a happier note - I made sixty bucks today doing some really easy stuff! I was stoked as! smiley - biggrin

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 3

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

COOL! what could you do to get 60$ that easy?!
The bands here rock! ... not the band of indiands, we SUCK! really bad!, but the jazz band ROCKS! and so do the garage bands... i want to be in a garage band, but i can only play wind instruments.... oh well! tell your friends good luck on their exams!
fordsmiley - cheers

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 4

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

I just got a job doing some filing and stuff for my aunt's business. It's easy, writing down records, filing invoices - and I get fifteen bucks an hour!smiley - biggrin

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 5

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

WHOA!!!!! thats almost as much as my brother made this summer! he got 16$ an hour.... i want to work at the animal shelter, they pay 12 $ an hour... thats the highest paying job you can get here!
fordsmiley - cheers

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 6


yea i'll work at the animal shelter so long a ford doesn't.
and it isn't the highest paying job here. god, do you LIKE stripping the pride out of here or something? JESUS!

and ford, our jazz band SUCKS!!!!! compared to the legends we had last year....


Post 7

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

This post has been removed.

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 8

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Ummm - okay...

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 9


I have other friends, Ford. I'm not gonna go on my hands and knees begging ur forgiveness because I don't want it. You can stop being a bitch. It's over, okay? wake up and smell the coffee. IM NOT LIKE YOU. just go away.

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 10


coffee! i love coffee!smiley - tea for... wait thats tea! haha, woops!
youknoe ford hhas friends in school. im one of them! so if you are imply that she doesnthave friends, your wrong! by what she told me, you mad at her, i didnt need her to tell me that though! just by what im reading its pretty bad!

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 11

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Yeah, you realise on the "aaron" thread there were two posts that were blocked because of inappropriate content?

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 12


hey? you have NO idea how bad ford is at school! just today one of the percussionists in band and jazz band told me to tell ford that she really needs to watch her mouth, cuz it's disgusting. those were her exact words, too. i try not to go over the limit, but you know what, im not putting ford back on my contact list or unblocking her email cuz that's how this fight started in the first place. im sick of her. i have BOTH section leaders on my side-- that's right, we have two! and even ford's ally said the email was rude. i showed it to a few people. they were shocked, especially katie.

i tried making up with ford today, just acting like nothing had happened. but she's being a b**** so im done trying to reason with it. Im sick of her and her ugly face, her revolting attitude, just her very presence makes tons of us sick to our stomachs. true story.

It's over, Ford.

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 13


ya sure! i was there! and you didnt show her what YOU wrote! thats so vile i couldnt finish reading it! you swear too much and your a bad person for blaming ford for your own doings! i thought you said she didnt exist? no wonder she didnt talk to you!
i think ill print out that email that ford sent me, and show EVERYONE! hows that?

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 14


o god, don't tell me you're ZACH! had a pretty good guess today. was almost positive.
im sorry, whoever you are, that you think im a bad person and all, but guess what? you don't know ford. you can go ahead and think she's all that, but not to me, so don't try to change my mind. she's hurt me enough, and not just in this fight, but ever since we started being friends. it's just a fight. we're all stupid when we fight, especially when we make dumb mistakes like a few i made in this one. and as for issues... im just tired of ford. it's stressful being around her. it really is, if you've known her as long as i have... and been around her nearly every day for the past seven months. i need a break.

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 15


ive known her for longer, alot longer! what the heck do you keep blaming her for? what did she do before you started this fight?

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 16


i could've sworn she called me something mean nearly every day. it got pretty depressing. it was like a total relapse of what happened to me in virginia, when my bro's friend did the same thing ford did to me, just making it sound like she was almighty and i was nothing.

like i said, i have reasons. that's only one of them. then it got to the point where everything i did or thought was "Stupid" and it's been that way for a while.

so please, don't do any more damage to our possibly wrecked friendship, because really, i just need a time out. that's all i wanted saturday. i just wanted a pleasant convo, but ford's a total drama queen anyway (just like me... something i guess we both have in common...) and again, and again i've told you. i snapped. it happens.

im sick of all the fighting, all the msn stuff, all the names. im just sick of it.

if you and ford want to be mad at me, go ahead and be mad, because your side of the fight is just as biased as mine is.

why can't you just leave me alone?????

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 17


thats all she wanted too! cant you see that? nope! i cant do that, you are trying to make everyone mad at her because you snapped at her! thats not right! but wat is right is you two making up! not now, maybe not even this week, but if you do make up, trust me youll be alot happyer!
when i was fighting with my best friend, i just gave in and made up cuz we both forgot what we were fighting about! this is really stupid! if something is bothering you, then talk to her about it! dont chew her out!

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 18


if you are who i think you are, then you would've noticed that she won't even talk to me. i've tried tons of times today, but it's just like talking to a brick wall. we kinda got along in jazz band today, but then guess what? that was it. she just ignored me completely. i was nice to her her, totally forgetting the fact that we were fighting. but she's an idiot and won't understand that just cuz she thinks everyone else hates her that i do too. i don't. im just pretty damn annoyed.

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 19


"she doesnt exist to me anymore!"
she wasnt existing around you! i told her you said that! and maybe she needed time to cool off. i know i would after the things you said!
and i have a feeling you dont know who i am

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 20


yeah im getting that feeling too.

this is the fourth convo im unsubscribing from today. i don't want to talk about this fight. i deleted my absolute favorite convo from my space... and you know what? i still miss aaron, but i found out today that... nevermind. there was no one like him. and ford... well... she talked to him at the bonfire cuz i was regretting saying yes to him... i know it was already over by then, but i still liked him a lot... he was my friend, and ever since ford talked to him we've hardly talked, even on saturday. guess why im stressed out? i lost my friend ever since ford talked to him. everyone was telling me about how she was trying to isolate another friend from the world. what do i do when she mentions heath? freak out.

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