This is the Message Centre for Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 121


bless you ford (for the sneezes)

please talk when you remeber what you were going to say or whatever.smiley - biggrin

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 122

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

*tries to remember* nope! i knocked my memory out! oh well!!! *goes to lala land*
fordsmiley - cheers

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 123


oh... sorry I didn't mean to interrupt. I just was interested in WTF?! but I guess this convo isn't about that, so I'll just leave guys alone...


WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 124

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

nah, go ahead! thats whatthis convo is SUPPOSED to be about, but we get sidetracked... go on!
fordsmiley - cheers

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 125


O.K. Tell the dude that makes their site that I think it rocks hardcore. And give them my greetings. smiley - biggrin

regan smiley - peacesign Peace Out.

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 126

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

ok! you could yourself if you look for the mesage board, but iwill personally tell danny and BJ that you like their site, so where are you from regan?
fordsmiley - cheers

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 127


I live in an unknown town in Montana. Absolutely gorgeous place. I spend most of my time tresspassing into the nearest ranch writing poetry about the scenery. What about you? Where are you from? I just got the "dissolent hole" part.

Dragon Blaze should try to reform his ways. It's a sin to swear, too. Sorry if I seem too religious, I just don't think that cursing is needed in civil conversation, that's all.smiley - smiley

Thanks for telling Danny and BJ that I love their site. smiley - biggrin I would really like to meet them someday.

regan smiley - peacesign Peace Out.

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 128

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

wow! thats cool! montana, ive never been there, that i can remember... its on my list of places to go (which is getting smaller by the day)
Nevada... Elko, if you must know... its pitiful, but i love it anyway!
Dragon Blaze? Civilized? thats never going to happen!
and i told danny that you liked their site... "cool" hes very enthusiastic... hehe
fordsmiley - cheers

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 129


Yes, Montana is pretty awesome.
Nevada sounds like fun. I heard Elko has a great marching band, is that true? I'm not in band. No band here. I just bought a saxophone from a pawn shop a while back so I wouldn't be so bored when there is just nothing to do.

You really need to come visit. It's so pretty here. Even though I have to dig myself out of my house because of the snow at the moment. smiley - biggrin

I skimmed back through a few pages on the "Aaron" conversation. I'm apalled. With some things he's said to 42. He's really rude, from what I read, at least. And I really do hope he's not like that in person. Everyone else seems really nice. Even though you and 42 got in a fight. I'm sorry for that. At least you didn't lose your best childhood friend to the wretched mining industry. smiley - cheerup

I like Danny's picture most of all, with the "Bowed head and closed eyes for a 'deep' look". smiley - biggrin

regan smiley - peacesign Peace Out.

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 130

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

yes, i saw danny in his boxers oncesmiley - run i didnt mean to!
we just got back from Ny and Phili and DC... we were in the 6 ABC Boscov's philadelphia day parade... i have a journal entry about the first 2 days there too!
i donno if were really all that great, weve had a pretty unsuccesful year.. except the parade, that we kick butt insmiley - smiley
and imm a sax too... alto SAXAMAPHONES! GIT~R~DONE!! thats the sax "motto"... dontask....smiley - smiley
fordsmiley - cheers

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 131


smiley - biggrinI think I like the image of Danny with his guitar better.

Wow your band looks really awesome. Going on that trip must have been pretty stellar, too. I haven't been past the state lines. Not that it bothers me too much, because there is always an adventure waiting here. You'll have to write an entry on the whole trip; I want to read it! smiley - biggrin How was your year unsuccessful? I'm sorry to hear that it was. Happy to hear about the parade, though. That was probably a total thrill.

Yeah, I got it that you were a saxophone when you tried to help Kat out. Hopefully we helped her out a bit. Your sax motto is really cool, by the way. At least you even have one. Haha.

regan smiley - peacesign Peace Out.

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 132

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Hey everybody!!
I'm in Melbourne and a friend has very very kindly let me use her Internet, but just for now, so I'm just letting you all know I'm still alive and kicking. And pining for the Internet.

Oh and I don't live in Melbourne - I actually make my home with my family on a farm somewhere in the middle of nowhere in Australia. smiley - tongueout It's sheep and wheat and sheep smell...

FORD!! I went to Starbucks in the city today and tried the Chai Tea Frappuchino and it's awesome!! Really nice, with lots of whipped cream on the top. One of my friends stole the last bit though...

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 133

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

oh ya, i forgot about that helping kat out... haha... wow, im slow tonight and our year has just been suckey (Tony's word... long story) we got 10th out of 20 bands in our first compitition, we had to cancle going to bands of america because 10% of the band didnt show up at the wed night rehersal before we left (wed night rehersal is huge for us, we stay from 6-9 after school and practice) so we cancled the trip, wich sux cuz we would have been finalists if we just showed up! then at state we got 5th out of 6 bands... we, out of about 30 years, have NEVER gotten anything less than second place!... very unsucessful year!
but the parade! OOH! we were the best band there! we had straight lines, everyone was in step! WOW!! you should watch it sometime, we even made front page here in elko (not a big paper, but it was cool) and we were on good morning america! and they called us pros when they showed highlights of the parade, and used our music for the background of most of the highlights!! it was amazing!

Midnight: Its good to hear from you buddy! Internet is addicting, i know. and im glad you like the Chi Tea!! i loooovvvveee it! i got hooked on the stuff when i went to france... but hey! its good right?smiley - biggrin
fordsmiley - cheers

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 134


MIDNIGHT!!! I've missed you!

My mums friend from Australia just moved to Somerton Past South Australia... any idea where that is?

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 135

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

HI!!!!!!! wait, i already said hi... well HI AGAIN!
fordsmiley - cheers

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 136


lolsmiley - biggrin

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 137

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

it isnt really x mas yet, but im watching a x-mas special...
so, what do you guys want for x-mas?
fordsmiley - cheers

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 138


I'm getting the DEEPER MEANING OF LIFF for X-mas.... my mum is ordering it.

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 139

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

what? i missed something.. is that a DNA book?
fordsmiley - cheers

WTF?! It means what you think it means!

Post 140


YES!!! well... he and a Jhon loyd...

it the funniest dictionary ever! google it to find out more!

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