This is the Message Centre for Luthiena

Continental colds

Post 1


I have just come back from Italy with a present for myself...

...the flu smiley - sadface

I'm all snuffly and feverish, but at least I can say it's a continental case of the flu as it comes all the way from Lake Garda to York, England smiley - silly

Continental colds

Post 2


smiley - cheerup But the trip itself was good wasn't it? did you enjoy Venice?

Continental colds

Post 3

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Harsh ena.... did you have a good time?

Continental colds

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Welcome home smiley - smiley

Continental colds

Post 5

Ivan the Terribly Average

Well, if you're going to have flu, it might as well be the classy imported version and not the dreary domestic model that everyone else has. Pure style.

smiley - redwineIvan.

Continental colds

Post 6


Thanks you guys, I do prefer the imported version...more classy smiley - bigeyes

I'm going to suffer and die now smiley - illsmiley - cry

Continental colds

Post 7


smiley - hug *gives Luthenia shiny things to make her feel better* Fancy some hot lemon?

Continental colds

Post 8


Ohh yes please...

*studies shiny things with glee*

smiley - hug

Continental colds

Post 9


Darn, it looks like there isn't a hot lemon smiley - you'll just have to imagine it. I've got to go to Uni now *grumbles*

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