A Conversation for American Slang

Some rather obscure slang . . .

Post 1

Frood of the Loons

Sha! (Southern California) -Surfuer term, replaces "Hahaha."
smiley - fish
Like (S. Cali, the vally) -Is used as a pause, much lik 'er.' For example: It's, like, so hot?
smiley - fish
Sweet (S. Cali) -General expression of exitment, or approval
smiley - fish
Neep (Term used by some Animorphs fans, but mostly by my friends) -Also used as a puase, or as an alternative to "What?" "I don't know," or just to fill in a blank space.
smiley - fish
Psha! (S. Cali) -Dunno what it means, but I use it a lot, and hear many other people use it.
smiley - fish
That conludes the list of slang.
smiley - fish

Some rather obscure slang . . .

Post 2


There's one more that I know of. "As if!" I'm not quite sure what this means, either, but I know it's used to replace "yeah, right!"

Some rather obscure slang . . .

Post 3


my dad uses some slang that i have never heard used anywhre else. i don't know if its his personal slang or if it is just never used anymore. examples:
headah: this is used when talking about going somewhere, as in "let's headah for home." i think this comes from "head her" if you're talking about your car.
humpin': this is used to describe an engine or a wood stove, as in "this car is humpin'" or "the fire is really humpin'". i don't really know what it means. usually, to hump means to have sex, and it is used to describe the actions of dogs.

Some rather obscure slang . . .

Post 4


More obscure slang:

Radish Rag: Cool. I don't know why. It just is.

Twonk: A loser.

Yippin' it up: Goofing around with one's friends

'df**k?: That is nuts. (Said "'dF**K? Shortened from "What the F**k?")

Some rather obscure slang . . .

Post 5


Almost forgot..

Honks me off: Pisses me off.

Some rather obscure slang . . .

Post 6

Frood of the Loons

I managed to forget:
smiley - fish
Gag me with a spoon!: basically means 'eeeew.'
smiley - fish
Spork: It's not a spoon, not a fork . . . it's a spork!
smiley - fish
Gawd: God said in a vally girl accent.
smiley - fishFish. Fish fish fish.smiley - fish

Some rather obscure slang . . .

Post 7

Cheerful Dragon

I'm English and I've heard and used 'As if!' from time to time. It's just an expression of disbelief, and is short for 'As if that could possibly be true!' or 'As if I'd really believe that!.

Some rather obscure slang . . .

Post 8


"As If" is sooooo teenybopperish.

No Subject

Post 9

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Picked this one up from Hawaii:

Kine: replaces "thingamajig" or "whatchamacallit." Basically means "that thing we were talking about" as well. Never say "the " before this word; it is always prefaced with "da."
"How is that report going?"
"I finished it yesterday."
"Where's da kine?"
"It's on your desk."

Hawaiians also use it as a pause, instead of "uhh." Those who do use it every third word, and it gets annoying. I also use it when there is no adjective strong enough for something, with an extremely positive connotation: "She's da kine."

No Subject

Post 10

No Tea

A rather obscure slang. I've only heard my dad use it.

Frappin - another reference to intercourse

I've even taken to using it.

Some rather obscure slang . . .

Post 11


You forgot Shatbotz it means umm you are angered at somthin

Some rather obscure slang . . .

Post 12


spoonula: its not a spoon...its not a spatula...its a spoonula! (comes in quite handy when scraping the edges of bowls and containers while cooking :d)
smiley - fishsaffiresmiley - fish

Some rather obscure slang . . .

Post 13


What would the etymology be of shatzbotz? Weirdness.


Post 14

Cheerful Dragon

I heard this word used in the film 'Apollo 13'; it also crops up in the book. I get the impression it originated around the '50s or '60s as a way of saying 'f**king' without actually using the word. I could be wrong. I'm English, so what do I know?!

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