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A Dream

Post 1

pocket jeesus

Just like my good friend Ben, I had the most vivid and weirdest dream of my life a few weeks ago.

Here's what happened:

Me, Naomi DeCelles, Malcolm Cooper, and Sean Goff(?) met in this completely white, cubic room about the size of a walk-in closet. I pulled out a really wrinkely plastic bag with some white pills in it, and we all swallowed one, except for Sean, who swallowed 20. These pills were not illegal, (Don't ask me how I knew this, it was a dream.) but we were all still scared of being caught. Though they did nothing whatsoever, and we knew they wouldn't, we took them anyway.

We decided to go to a movie. The white room disappered, and we were suddenly in a huge desert landscape. The movie theatre was a huge white rectangular prisim about 10 feet in front of us, floating about 2 feet off the ground. We soon found ourselfs inside. Now, unlike a normal movie theatre, where the lights dim, it was just as bright inside as it was out, and the seats were in rows of three, facing perpindicular to the screen, instead of parallel. Every wall of the theatre was painted bright white, just like the first room. The movie projector high above us to the side was just the sun, shining through a square hole in the wall.

The movie: It was about Jesus, except he was a really skinny, really muscular black man, who rode around on a cart with this nasty old lady. about ten minutes later, the nasty old lady cut jesus in half longwise, but before he could fall apart, he pulled himself together, kinda like a zipper. "You ARE Jesus!" said the old lady.

Just then, Genny Ure walked into the theatre, and said "I hate this movie. Lets do something else." As soon as she had said that, the entire theatre theatre emptied of all other people but the original 4 and Genny, while this siren wailed. I thought that someone had discovered our pill-taking, but Genny reassured me. She said, "Don't worry, thats just the flood alarm." The theatre began to fill with water, but none of us were scared, we just waded in it.

Thats all I remember.

-smiley - zen

A Dream

Post 2


Hey PJ! You're missing all the good stuff.

Your entry on 'reasons for becoming vegetarian is wilting on the vine. It is a great start, but needs some attention if you don't want to chance it ending up in Flea Market territory.

It's your piece. This is just a suggestion.

smiley - towel

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