Journal Entries

A Dream

Just like my good friend Ben, I had the most vivid and weirdest dream of my life a few weeks ago.

Here's what happened:

Me, Naomi DeCelles, Malcolm Cooper, and Sean Goff(?) met in this completely white, cubic room about the size of a walk-in closet. I pulled out a really wrinkely plastic bag with some white pills in it, and we all swallowed one, except for Sean, who swallowed 20. These pills were not illegal, (Don't ask me how I knew this, it was a dream.) but we were all still scared of being caught. Though they did nothing whatsoever, and we knew they wouldn't, we took them anyway.

We decided to go to a movie. The white room disappered, and we were suddenly in a huge desert landscape. The movie theatre was a huge white rectangular prisim about 10 feet in front of us, floating about 2 feet off the ground. We soon found ourselfs inside. Now, unlike a normal movie theatre, where the lights dim, it was just as bright inside as it was out, and the seats were in rows of three, facing perpindicular to the screen, instead of parallel. Every wall of the theatre was painted bright white, just like the first room. The movie projector high above us to the side was just the sun, shining through a square hole in the wall.

The movie: It was about Jesus, except he was a really skinny, really muscular black man, who rode around on a cart with this nasty old lady. about ten minutes later, the nasty old lady cut jesus in half longwise, but before he could fall apart, he pulled himself together, kinda like a zipper. "You ARE Jesus!" said the old lady.

Just then, Genny Ure walked into the theatre, and said "I hate this movie. Lets do something else." As soon as she had said that, the entire theatre theatre emptied of all other people but the original 4 and Genny, while this siren wailed. I thought that someone had discovered our pill-taking, but Genny reassured me. She said, "Don't worry, thats just the flood alarm." The theatre began to fill with water, but none of us were scared, we just waded in it.

Thats all I remember.

-smiley - zen

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Latest reply: May 12, 2004

True Love...

Ok, It's time for a typical teen journal entry.

I'm in love with Naomi.

Ahhhhh, now that I've filled my sterotypical quota for the day, I can move onto better things.

Now, I'm not supposed to talk about this, but me and a bunch of friends started a fight club. We all watched the movie "FIGHT CLUB", got really excited, and went into a nearby park to beat the crap out of each other. I sprained my thumb and bruised my spine, and I really got off light. My friend Pablo's jaw swelled up so big he couldn't close it fully, while Daniel ripped his pants past all repair. "Battle damage," he called it. I have not posted in about 5 weeks, so I'll try to keep up with my life a little better.

smiley - zen

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Latest reply: Apr 28, 2004

Piano Ensemble

During my Piano Ensemble concert last night in a theatre on the University campus, I had to go to the bathroom. As I began to walk out of the section reserved for the preformers, an old lady, perhaps 65 years old, confronted me. "You cant go to the bathroom alone" she said. "Something bad might happen, and we would be held responsible" "What am I supposed to do?" I asked. "Just let me escort you to the bathroom" she said. So there I was, walking to the bathroom with a 65 year old lady as my bodyguard. And there I was, in a bathroom in the most well-thought-of part of town, in the classiest theatre in the city, with an old lady breathing down my back as I took a piss. What the hell is wrong with our country when this kind of fear drives people to be afraid to go to the f*****g bathroom!

On a lighter note, a seinor was totally hitting on me during the concert, and I got her #. YAY! Oh, and I got the biggest haircut of my life. He must have taken off at least 4 inches. I look so different, and I'm not sure wether I like it or not yet. Its much more comfortable, though. Mu haircut took so long, that my hairdresser started telling me about all his bizzare sexual experences. ("So me, my ex, and my current girlfriend thought, 'why not?' and we ended up having a threesome right there on the hairy salon floor...")

Good times, eh?

smiley - zen

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Latest reply: Mar 21, 2004


Ok, Time for an update about my band, Vever. Now, this is not your typical shitty high school "lets wail on our guitars really loud and play songs we stole from other bands" kinda band, we actully write our own music and lyrics, and they don't suck. In fact,I just collaborated with Naomi to write the greatest song plot of all time. Allow me to elaborate:
A boy from San Antiono gets his car stolen, and the theif of the car runs over a basket of orphans. Of course, the owner of the car is blamed for the orphen-mashing, because he is a liberal loner with long hair. So, this boy is sitting at home, eating dinner, when his mother brings in the mail. "Look, you got a letter!" She says. It's a subpoenea from the "rich old ladies who donate money to museums so they have the right to get worked up over some orphan-squashing." This kid knows there is no way he is ever gonna win this lawsuit, so he decides to try to cross the border into Mexico. Little does he know that his bitter ex-girlfriend, seeking revenge for his dumping her, has planted drugs and a loaded handgun in his backpack.
As this boy is going through Customs, the Customs offical discovers the drugs and the handgun. It is at this precise moment when the customs offical's wife walks into the room, eager to show her husband their just-born child. The gun goes off, killing the newborn. As the husband and wife stand there, shocked, the boy runs away as fast as he can, knowing his life is over. No more than 15 minutes pass before the border patrol catch up with him, on the banks of a river. "Take one more step and we'll shoot!" they say. The boy, guilt-ridden and ruined, says, "Here's looking at you, kid," as he steps forward. The border patrol shoot him dead and the boy falls into the river.

Ha HA, that's gonna be a good song!

-smiley - zen

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Latest reply: Mar 20, 2004

BEN IS (was) BACK!

Woohoo! My best friend for the longest time is back in town, and he brought his friend Will with him. I've been waiting to see Will for the longest time! YAY! I had a great time hanging out with the two of them, just shooting the breeze, yadda yadda yadda, etc. etc. etc. It was a good time. Ben has THE WORST TIMING OF ANY MAN ALIVE! The one week he chose to visit, was the busiest week of my life. No joke.
I had:
-An English group project to work on.
-A Choir project to turn in
-A huge load of Math assignmests (Why my teacher chose that week to assign two assignments each day, I'll never know.)
-A Math quiz to study for
-A Beowulf test to study for
-A Beowulf essay to write
-A West Civ. Art project to work on
-Biology homework
-An audition for the Jazz Band on drums to practice for
-An audition for the Jazz Band on piano to practice for
-The once-a-year piano ensemble concert to practice for
-A Jazz Academy concert to practice for
JESUS CHRIST!! I ended up ditching Choir class to work on my homework to fit all it in. Somehow,I still had some time to spend with Ben and Will. How I did it, I will never know.
-smiley - zen

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Latest reply: Mar 20, 2004

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