This is the Message Centre for Skie


Post 1


i wrote a poem today. it's been a while. i've mostly been writing fiction (you know, my short story for creative writing). anyway, it felt good to write poetry again. very nice indeed. but overall, i'm still not doing too well. all is fair...

Not doing well?

Post 2

Taoist at Large

Well, how is this for not doing well. This is now my forth attempt to try and leave a reply. The other three have vanished into cyberspace, probably into some secret F.B.I. File. My biggets problem is bad typing, i need to use the delete key alot to get rid of excess spaces, lowerecase letters, and improperly capitalized "i"'s. However perfect I want it to be, I will now forgo any anal retentavness concerning spelling and typos just to get this letter to you.

I have, of course, forgotten my whole point in contacting you in the first place. So I hope you will forgive my rambeling. Now, at this point, it is just a matter of honor (or stuborness) that i leave a message. Try leaving me a message sometime at my home.


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