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jenga towers (and stuff)

Post 21


thats a shame! - just missed you again...
anyway - you sound like quite the drummersmiley - winkeye maybe someday when youre famous i can say that i know you!

jenga towers (and stuff)

Post 22

The 1 and only Elkherd

Yeah, maybe. My bands (plural) are falling apart now though. Everyone has such big arguements. You don't know any bassists in the Harpenden area perchance?

August the second eh? Who'd have thought.

Oh, that 'where's me washboard' comes from a program called the Fast Show, which I believe is called 'Brilliant' or something shit like that in America.

jenga towers (and stuff)

Post 23


ah but whats it mean....
and no unfortunately i know no bassists in the harpenden the connecticut area plenty...but not across the ocean

jenga towers (and stuff)

Post 24

The 1 and only Elkherd

If you really want to know, its the catchphrase of an old time music hall comedian sketch taking of Arthur Askey. Referances to Hitler aplenty.

What's that? Harpenden, connecticut?

jenga towers (and stuff)

Post 25


o no no no - i know a bunch of bassists in connecticut ... but absolutely none in harpenden...wherever that strange mystical land is...smiley - winkeye

jenga towers (and stuff)

Post 26

The 1 and only Elkherd

Maybe said bassists could relocate. Oh, whatever.

I suggest we relocate to aug whatever it was. This place seems old.

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