This is the Message Centre for Zonie 50574


Post 1

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

You are not the only Arizonan here. Born and raised in Phoenix, currently attending the UofA. I pride myself on doing what was said to be impossible: being a liberal in Arizona.


Post 2

Zonie 50574

No!! Really?? You, too?! How marvelous to finally meet a fellow member of a sentient species. It's not easy being a Democrat around here but by Creator, some one has to be! I think of it as a character building exercise. Sun Devil, huh? I work not too far away, at Papago Buttes. I was born in California - hope that still counts.
I haven't checked this page in ever so long. I'd been hanging around Lonely Planet's Thorntree and chatting with a South African pen pal.
I got published! Aside from the fact the editor put Disney World in California instead of Disneyland, she wasn't too severe. Check out Arizona, USA. What do you think?


Post 3

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

You sure you're from Az? UofA's in Tucson, with the Wildcats... ASU is in Tempe (near Papago Buttes) with the Sundevils. I was raised in Phx, but I'm now in Tucson... how long have you lived in the state? I don't discriminate against Californians often, so don't be scared smiley - smiley


Post 4

Rocketboy & Ithica

Hey, we're here too! We're in Mesa, the lovely neighbor of Chandler. However, we like Tucson the best.
(Hot enough for ya today?)

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