Journal Entries

Hump Day

That's what most of us working peons call Wednesday. I'm taking it off. I won't get to see any of the eclipse - we're too far south and too far west - but it seemed an appropriate day to ponder my shadow self and how I've eclipsed my own light.

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Latest reply: Aug 11, 1999


Anyone from h2g2, that is? I read an intersting journal entry. I can click here to get other responses but when I get to that page, there is no longer a discuss button. So how do I respond?

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Latest reply: Jul 22, 1999

Tuesday afternoon

A new job in a new city. In some areas I get to re-invent myself, good practise for a few years from now when my current contract ends and I get to recreate myself completely. Life is what you make of it and so far it's been a fish stew. I think I'll go for chocolate mouse.  

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Latest reply: Jul 21, 1999

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Zonie 50574

Researcher U50574

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