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A445619 East Anglian Country Music

Post 1


I feel this is a very worthwhile posting for anyone visiting the planet and not being aware of odd occurences of erstwhile extinct music. Just imagine if a traveller materialised in a Suffolk pub to find someone clogging away in huge boots upon a step board, what on earth would you think. It could appear menacing and the step dancer would not not be best pleased if he were zapped with a Megasluthan Fragmentation gun.
No I fear the best approach is to make it universally known that occurences of such music, though rare in the 21st Century, does still exist but is in no way a threat to life or limb.
It will greatly increase a creature's perception of this art form if we can include a MIDI other well known form of intergalactic music representation. I have the appropriate clip available. How is it integrated into the Guide?

Kind Valutins

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A445619 East Anglian Country Music

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