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What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 1

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Mind is on my head, a sort of spicky style, it needs a wash, got to have a shower and hairwash tonight.

smiley - fullmoon

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 2

YalsonKSA - "I'm glad birthdays don't come round regularly, as I'm not sure I could do that too often."

I haven't combed mine since I got up, so instead of its normal, slicked-back, Brylcreemed style, it is being somewhat unruly and pointing up in numerous unexpected directions.

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 3


I have no idea. But if you should see it tell it all is forgiven and please come back home.

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 4

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Yes I bet Patrick Stewart said the same thing.

smiley - laugh

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 5


Patrick wants my hair to come home too?

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 6

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

no he want his to retun to roost smiley - laugh

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 7

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Mine is now, after the shower I got a couple hours back, dry, shiney, clean, very soft, and tied back as useual in a pony tail... It could probably do with another brush, now its totally dry....

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 8

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

itching and needing it's wash

smiley - fullmoon

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 9


This morning it was a big ball of mess, so I washed it and got it looking half decent. But then my fringe got me mad because I had some longers bit s that were bugging me, so I got some nail scissors and clippy clippedsmiley - magic

Then I thought that I could do with a trim actually, so carried on clippy clipping. Now I have no hair leftsmiley - wah I scooped up all the hair bits from my carpet and have sellotaped them back together the best I could, but it looked a bit messy, so I left the pile on my bed while I went to the kitchen to get some superglue.

When I returned, the smiley - cat was crouching in her "You look like you'll be a tasty treat for after dinner" pouncey mode. I tried to shoo her away but she punced before I could get to her. She ate some of my hair and ran off with the rest due to me chasing her with the telly remote and flinging my father Ted dvd at her. She never got on with that show.

Unfortunately, the patio door was open and she ran outside, kidnapping my hairsmiley - wah She shot through the hedge and I'm not skinny enough to get through the branches so couldn't follow her, unless I ate some of the muscle builder powder that we've got, got really muscly in a very short space of time, went to the bottom of the garden, lifted the tonnes of bricks that are laying lazily in fornt of the gate, then opened them and chased after her. But alas, I couldn't locate the jar of muscle builder, so I had to let her escape.

So right now, my hair is in the middle of the park, being ravaged by my cats catty matessmiley - grr

It's been a pretty bad day.

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 10

YalsonKSA - "I'm glad birthdays don't come round regularly, as I'm not sure I could do that too often."

And I thought I had problems.

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 11


But are my problems because of the above being true, or it being false?

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 12

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

On my head spicky style but clean and itch free thanks to its wash last night in FCUK Shampoo

smiley - fullmoon

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 13

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


smiley - fullmoon

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 14

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Needs a was good job I am showering tonight.

smiley - fullmoon

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 15

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

aaaaaahhh wash
smiley - biggrin

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 16


The lawnmower man cut the grass in the park today, so mine is all over the park in tiny shredded bits.

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 17

benjahv: windswept and interesting

just chillinsmiley - cool

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 18

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Footbacon you crack me up smiley - laugh

smiley - fullmoon

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 19


Hang on, I'll grab some of the Kings horses and Kings men, see if they can put LordWolfden together againsmiley - run

What is your hair doing at the moment?

Post 20

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Ha ha Humpty is a hard shell to crack.

smiley - biggrin

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