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What shall I do?

Post 1


My Amiga 500 has gone away - and it isn't coming back smiley - sadface

I loved that Amiga, and the vast array of floppy disks that went with it...all those great games, all those wonderful memories...

The thing is, all those disks are just sitting there now, gathering dust, and I don't think they love me anymore...

So far I've used some to prop up legs on wobbly tables, sharpened the edges on some to use them as ninja throwing stars and done some interesting experiments with naked flams and toasters, but I need something constructive to do with them.

Anyone got any ideas for what to do with the buggers?

What shall I do?

Post 2

Jesus A la Mode

Try the microwave. no wait, that's probably a bit too dangerous with floppies. If you have any CDs you don't need though, they make a pretty little light show in the microwave. NO MORE THAN 3 SECONDS, though, so nothing bad has the chance to happen. And do not blame me if anything bad does happen. As for the floppies, umm... if you've got enough, pick a wall and cover as much of it as possible in floppies. If you can't cover it, make really cryptic symbols with them. I like the throwing star idea. besides that, I really don't know.

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