A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
Millennium Bug Started conversation May 18, 1999
As my Wintendo (see PC, Bill Gates' puppet) isn't my main computer I use to access this site (I just don't like PC's but needed one), I've noticed that there's some bad html practicing going on.
1) Most of the main tables for this site don't always get displayed right as they would under Internet Exploiter or Netscrapie, the tables at the top of the page are displayed "broken" for example.
2) When reading the forums, a lot of the images have borders round them, simply putting just ' border>' at the end of the img src tag is not enough, it should be ' border=0>'.
3) En erroneos character has gotten into (at least) one of the guide entries, Tea http://www.h2g2.com/A61345 has the character 146 instead of the single speech mark character - '.
If you'd like help in fixing the tables so they work on non IE and MS browsers I'd be willing to help.
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