A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat


Post 1


I have not been able to make paragraphs on my pages. I have used the supplied text editor. I have Pasted text onto the editor and I type it in the usual way.

Two carrage returns as I have here.

When it compiles the page, my paragraphs disappear into a mulsh of continuous words. This is frustraaaaating to say the least. Can anyone Heeeelp - Pleeeeease. Vegiman smiley - sadface


Post 2

Jim Lynn

The simplest way is to use the tag to put line breaks in. The trailing / is necessary because we use XML, which doesn't like unclosed tags. represents an empty tag.

However, we'll shortly be improving our editing to allow you to just use returns to break up your paragraphs if you need to.


Post 3

Moose (Researcher 32986)

I tried for ages to get my document diplayed properly: messing about with and tags... paragraphs would either be all concatenated into a mush or whole paragraphs would be duplicated. I found the easiest way to get simple text in paragraphs was to do-away with and type tags and just put at the top of the document and at the bottom so it appears like it does in your text editor. Not ideal I know, but it's the only way I could get it to work.


Post 4


Thanks. vegiman smiley - smiley

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