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The WISPA is back!!!

Post 1


Happy days!!
After 4 years the Wispa is back!!
Sooooo Happy!!
smiley - somersaultsmiley - biggrinsmiley - oksmiley - smileysmiley - magic

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 2


smiley - wowsmiley - magic Thanks !

Wonder if Tesco's has somesmiley - run

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 3


That piece of news has thrown my healthy eating regime right out of the window!!
smiley - runsmiley - chocsmiley - magic

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 4


smiley - ermI'm a bit hooked on Twirls myselfsmiley - choc

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 5


granted they are good but imo a poor substitute for the mighty wispa!!smiley - winkeye

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 6


Yes, Wispa's are chunkiersmiley - biggrin

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 7


especially dunked in strong black coffeesmiley - tongueout

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 8


Sacrilege. What a waste of a wispa smiley - yikes

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 9


not if its been in the fridge, goes all melty and smooth whilst sweetening the coffee slightly

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 10


smiley - drool

Oops sorry. But, that does sound so good.

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 11


smiley - drool
damn no vending machines near me (probably a good thing really!!)

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 12


Erm... Sorry, what's WISPA?

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 13


The most amazing chocolate bar cadburys ever produced, for some reason it vanished 4 years ago and now it has triumphantly returned!!
smiley - tongueoutsmiley - choc

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 14


Vending machines are a temptation. Hot chocolate and Kit Kat. Not too many caloriessmiley - smiley

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 15


Did you say "chocolate"?
Sounds great, then!

We don't have Cadbury's here in France, I'm afraid...
Actually, we DO have the Cadbury cookies, but not in every shop and not all the time, so having a stock of them is advisable, just in case of an emergency...

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 16


everyday should be a cadburys day!!

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 17


Oh, well, a chocolate day is OK.

Would you really say that Cadbury's is the BEST chocolate?

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 18


Its the best everyday chocolate, not too creamy but just enough of a fix!!
If i want a real treat i'm a dark chocolate girl!!

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 19


I know what you mean!
There's nothing like dark smiley - choc.
I could eat myself sick with it. (I love that expression smiley - love! I find it really funny)

The WISPA is back!!!

Post 20


i have made myself ill before eating too much which is pretty shameful but its soooooooo nice!!

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