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Psychic experiment at ten O'clock tomorrow (08.02.07)

Post 1


This is an experiment to see if I can transmit data through the power of thought. I will write a sentence and then concentrate my mind in an attempt to transmit what I have written at one minute to ten on 08.02.07. I will reveal what I have written at exactly 10.00 am on 08.02.07. Please submit your attempts at a few seconds before 10.00am.

good luck

Psychic experiment at ten O'clock tomorrow (08.02.07)

Post 2

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

What time zone?

Psychic experiment at ten O'clock tomorrow (08.02.07)

Post 3


GMT...any minute now!

Psychic experiment: THE SENTENCE IS...

Post 4


...He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it.


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