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DNA talks on radio -Friday @ 16.00hrs gmt

Post 1


DNA will be talking about 'The Book' on BBC Radio 4 at 16.00 hrs GMT on Friday 7th January. Go to www.bbc.co.uk and listen on line on the Radio 4 website.

DNA talks on radio -Friday @ 16.00hrs gmt

Post 2

Metal Chicken

I presume this is the repeat of the show I listened to on Sunday aftenoon, rather than an extra treat. Well worth listening to I thought, lots of excerpts from the old radio series as well as the discussion with DNA. If you get the chance - do listen.

DNA talks on radio -Friday @ 16.00hrs gmt

Post 3


The same only shorter - I just reckoned that we would all enjoy it.

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DNA talks on radio -Friday @ 16.00hrs gmt

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