A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Errors in article

Post 1

The Wisest Fool

Three of your anagrams listed aren't anagrams, namely
"Leroy Newton Gigrinch", "The earthquakes" and "The Conservative Party"
They actually fit snugly into the not-quite-an-anagram-really category smiley - smiley

Errors in article

Post 2

Smiley Ben

You are absolutely right...

I really ought to check these articles more carefully!

Now who was it that wrote this article.....

Errors in article

Post 3

Cigarrette Smoking Man

Well, "the earthquakes" could be legitimately written as "that queer shake". I haven't tried to figure out the others, but I'm sure I've seen an accurate version of the Armstrong one before.

Errors in article

Post 4

Cigarrette Smoking Man

how about "Yer right-wing clone", I know it is a bit dialectical, but he is from Georgia. smiley - smiley

Errors in article

Post 5

47318 - I am a number not a free man

Actually the whole article is pulled almost word for word from joke-of-the-day.com from 25 June 1998.
The only difference being errors in transcription, which mean that the Newt Gingrich anagram should read "Yon Right-winger Clone"

smiley - sadface

Errors in article

Post 6

47318 - I am a number not a free man

Oops - the reference didn't quite work as expected, but you get my drift...

Errors in article

Post 7

Jim Lynn

And in case you're wondering, these conversations have been moved to the Chat forum because we've cancelled the Anagrams article.

Errors in article

Post 8

The Wisest Fool


Errors in article

Post 9


Hi SmileyB

Thanks for submiting my article VegRacks - I notice I can edit it, is it prudent for me to do so or should I just report erros to you.
vegimansmiley - smiley

Errors in article

Post 10

Smiley Ben

Please don't, I think...

Whilst I, a humble sub-editor, do not understand all the ways of the editors, I believe that that is not there to be touched...

Or something...

Errors in article

Post 11


Not too bad of an error, in the list 1 2 3 you have used a comma in two items and a colon in the last. I do believe you are correct in the alterations, but somehow it has lost its sparkle. I know the humour I used was OTT and was bound to be toned down but it was meant to be light hearted. Anyway if you could alter the ,,:
Finicky yours vegimansmiley - smiley

Errors in article

Post 12

Smiley Ben

Erm... What do you suggest. With the words it has as it stands it need to have a comma for the first two and a colon for the last...

Errors in article

Post 13


Bows down, blushing enough to make the monitor turn a pinky hue.

You are absolutely right - I misread it and have made complete ass of myself.

Sorry SmilieB
vegimansmiley - smiley

Errors in article

Post 14

Smiley Ben

don't worry...

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