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The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 1


It seems like everyone is reading or has read the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. People who I didn't even think could read are walking around proudly waving their copy in the face of those who 'just don't get it'.

In order to continue the conversations that have been fuelled by this book, I would like to throw the floor open to H2G2 to find out if there are any other codes, maybe even an universal one out there.

Any code breakers out there?

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 2


Oh, yeah. I read that book.

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 3


What about all the spooky symbolism on a dollar bill?

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 4


I don't know. what about it? I heard that if you look closly, there's a picture of George Washington.

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 5


If you look on the back there are 13 layers to the pyramid...Oh yes 'the pyramid' (bit odd in the US) and the 'eye of Horus'

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 6


on the 1$ bill, does it have any Paul McCarney death clues?

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 7

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Practically everything in the Da Vinci code which Dan Brown presents as fact is crap. And don't even get me started on Digital Fortress.

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 8

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

The Da Vinci Code is a resonable work of fiction, I prefered Angels and Demon

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 9

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Agreement: Angels and Demons was rather good.

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 10

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Agreement: Digital Fortress was cr@p

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 11


I think thats the point Reefy, 'Reasonable' work of fiction. It's not particularly groundbreaking or enjoyable. The writing is only of a 'reasonable' standard, the characters are a tad one dimensional but 'reasonably' acceptable, the plot is 'reasonably' intriguing, but a bit long winded and self indulgent, yet the 'Da Vinci' Code is a total phenomenon. Translated into every available language going, the publication of several analysis books and creating the inability to step onto a train or a plane without seeing someone reading a copy and generating the author feller a shedload of greenbacks in the process. All this in response to a 'reasonable' book. Do we live in such mediocrity that a piece of 'reasonable' work can have such an impact?

Gah. I'm just glad they've cast Tom Hanks in the Movie adaptation, which gives me another good reason for going to see it when it's released.

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 12


NOT going to see it, NOT going to see it.

Ahhhh that was the worst unchecked post before previewing mistake ever made, ever,

*slams head against desk in punishment*

NOT going to see it

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 13

Mu Beta

Digital Fortress was probably the biggest waste of £6 I have ever encountered. And that includes going down the pub and shovelling it all into a fruit machine.

I had the entire plot nailed by page 100, and the less said about the closing chapters, the better.


The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 14

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I found it enjoyable-but-brainless, but when he wrote about being able to check if a mainframe was working by "refreshing the monitor" I realised that Dan Brown knows far less about computers than he likes to think he does.

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 15

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I think the reason The Da Vinci Code sold so well is the subject matter, everyone loves a good scandal and what is more scandalous than saying that Jesus had a thing for Mary Magdaline, look at all the trouble there was 20 odd years ago with the Last Temptation of Christ, the only reason people went to see it was to see what all the fuss was about and it's the same with the Da Vinci Code. The only reason people read it is because there was a load of hoo ha when it came out because of the subject matter

The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 16

Mu Beta

There certainly doesn't seem to be any other good reason for reading it.


The Da Vinci Code 'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 17

Gnomon - time to move on

I found the Da Vinci code hilarious. I read it on a long plane journey (10 hours). My brain isn't able to think very well in aeroplanes because of the oxygen starvation, so it was great to have something that didn't require too much brain power.

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