A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat


Post 1

The man in the shack

Doug Adams once said of himself "I sometimes strike myself as being quite a clever guy, and sometimes cannot imagine how I can be so slow-witted and stupid, so dull and brainless. I can't understand why I should be able to write something which everyone thinks is terribly clever, and at the same time be personally so dumb. I think I'm schizophrenic."
Inspirational words from our bard and ones that motivate me to journey through the vast, wind-swept steppes of my own feeble-mindedness and to further stretch the boundaries of ignorance and hollow-headed benightedness.
But first, there's something I need to know.

If I'm stupid, how do I know that I'm stupid???


Post 2


If you do things you think are stupid, then surely you see yourself as being stupid? So i guess some people may find something stupid, when others would not see that something as being stupid. If you see what i mean


Post 3

The man in the shack

Is then stupidity a relative quality dependant on who, what, where or when you are? Or can it be more of a constant?


Post 4


i'd say relative.


Post 5

The man in the shack

Yes, how stupid of me.

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