This is the Message Centre for Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 1

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - space
I've been affected by your presence in the Atelier. Not in a positive way, but a negative way. I'd like that to be different.

My part of the responsibility will be to make some allowance for your mood changes, and to develop a bit "thicker skin" so that certain comments will roll off instead of digging in.

I understand there are things in your past that have built your personality to its present condition. Happens to all of us. We seek to improve certain characteristics, others we just leave alone because we see no need to change. I do the same thing.

Over the last few days, have you noted that there might be something you need to change in your conversations with the people of the Atelier? Didn't it strike you as odd that so many people took exception to your behavior that they felt the only way to deal with you was to avoid you? Can that many people be wrong? Can one person be so right?

Look, the reason I'm wanting to chat with you about it is that there have been numerous times that your comments have added valuable insights into the on-going dialog of the Atelier. Your knowledge of certain facts has expanded our 'tribal knowledge' as a group. Thanks for that. THAT's the part we all want to see continue while you hang out with us.

Conversely, your mood swings, reticence, and abusiveness just don't sit well with the group of the Atelier. You've got to check yourself and do an honest appraisal of how you converse with people, because--frankly--you've shown yourself to be much too abrasive. That's why everyone walked out. You just wouldn't let up. You stated a point, and when the other parties involved tried to work out the misunderstanding, you just shut them down by refusing to discuss it any further. How do you expect to work through an issue that concerns not just you, but the people 'around you', if you're not going to hear anyone's views on the matter but your own?

Another thing:
I want to apologize for doing some "Oetzi"-bashing on another thread. I should have come to you directly (as I'm attempting now), rather than just 'venting' to the clientele of H2G2 at large. That was unkind of me and I ask that you forgive my oversight. I'll address you personally, as the person you are. If I have a problem with what you've said on a thread, I'll "take it off-line" and try to work with you one-on-one about it. Then, we should be able to come to a mutual understanding.

So you know, this is what I said about you:
I've beat around the bush too much about our "Unfriendly Friends", using generic terminology and slightly vague descriptors.

To the point:
Over the last month, or a bit more, we've had a new voice in the Atelier and some of the attendant threads. "Oetzi Oetztaler" has, in essence, 'barged in', trashed the convo threads, and summarily caused the closing of the Atelier. He's been guided through numerous points of netiquette, though he still doesn't apply them. He's quick to "read someone the riot act" and try to impose the rules, yet doesn't act according to the spirit of them. As regards using the Atelier for a free and open forum for debate and conversation on a variety of topics, he revels in interjecting his opinion, yet is unwilling to listen [read: hear and understand] other people's ideas. It's "case closed" if you don't agree with him, and he becomes recalcitrant to provide any further explanation of his comments or thoughts on the matter. He's been rude and verbally abusive (thankfully this is a 'virtual environment') and almost sent one of our Researchers over the brink of depression, close to doing something drastic and irrevocable.

We left him to stand in an empty Atelier.

To make a point. To drive home in the only way we could, within the limitations of this on-line environment, that his conduct was unseemly and had brought us to this. If he continues to appear on H2G2, and will not relent to 'be nice', he should be banned. I like the idea of temporary hiatus of access, with final banning if such warnings go unheeded.

Like I said, that may have been too harsh, especially without your presence to defend yourself. Honestly, I don't expect you to 'defend' your statements or your actions. I just want to work out how you could be a frequenter of the Atelier, a viable contributor, and maintain some decorum in your conversation. If you want to work it out, I'll be ready for the contact and the 'sounding board'. If you don't care enough about the rest of the people of the Atelier to mind your manners, don't go back there. Just leave them all alone. There are so many more places on H2G2 for you to chat with people; I'm sure you'll find some 'kindred spirits' somewhere along the way.


Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 2


Moderator request clear please...

What we have here is a cultural mismatch. You've posted a long piece above. I did not seek that final situation.

Most of it was moderated. The original poster was not the cause.
Sad, but I have been told that juniors read the site. I had to act.

I'm probably the opposite than you believe. There is an entertainer in me as I write and a lot of my stuff is self deprecating humor.

I would do precisely the same again. I know for a fact others would not. Personally you can call me every name under the sun, and perhaps I would agree with you.

This is an open discourse so please continue and I'll try to address some of your comment above, but the reply may be unpleasant to your way of reading although it is meant to be productive and not destructive.

I'm a UK citizen please, but I don't follow your social codes exactly.

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 3


be yourself. young 'uns are more sensitive to people questioning their views. the young 'uns have more energy for marking out their new-found sense of right and wrong. they'll chill out when they grow older, when black and white are becoming to grey and dust. ride it out, loetziboetzi. they should be reading more of your content and less of your provokation.

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 4


Yes..good point. Mind you I've done a fair bit of standing back and taking the biffs, there is a limit for that, but thanks for input.

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 5

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

To be quite frank Oetzi, I don't like you one bit. You have previously nearly destroyed something that a lot of people hold dear to their hearts, the Atelier. You will find no welcome there from me or from several others.

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 6


Accepted and understood GDZ.

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 7

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - space
For BlueRiley: I'm Oetzi's junior, but not by too much. 44. Vice Oetzi's 50-something? Maybe a bit more? I've mellowed out a lot, too. Five kids will do that to you.

For Oetzi: The point still is, if you're going to associate at the Atelier at all, you'll need to adapt to being a bit more civil. You can consider yourself a self-proclaimed [insert description here], but if you continually show poor conduct and bad manners in that virtual environment, you will continue to be moderated out. It seems you're currently on a probationary 'pre-moderation' list, so your postings aren't showing at the Atelier until the Moderators scan them and determine they are fit company for the on-going discussion.

That's a shame, as I've pointed out your comments and insights have--at times--been very profitable for all concerned. It's when you let your manners slip that the problems start. Hope you can make the distinction, make the changes in your behavior (not necessarily "who you are"), and join us once again in conversation.

Make the best of it, Oetzi,

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 8


Yes Sir, all received.
Can't say I agree but respect your point of view.
I was born '54
Greetings from NE England

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 9

Mrs Zen

I am posting this before seeing the previous post, which is lost in pre-mod.

To be honest, I am not sure how welcome Oetzi or his alter ego Loopy Boopy will be on the Atelier. There are only so many times someone can come round, spill the ashtrays, kick the dog, grab your wife's breasts, vomit in the fish-tank and pee on the plants blaming lonliness and their meds without outstaying their welcome.

And there are only so many times that one can believe someone who then says: "I am sorry, I didn't mean it, I am on my best behaviour, no-body loves me, everybody hates me, please be nice to me" and who then comes round and does it all again.

So - BiPedal, you may welcome him at the Atelier, but I would be astonished if the mood of the meeting was as forgiving as you are willing to be. It was once. It was several times in fact. But not any more.

Just my smiley - 2cents

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 10

Garius Lupus

Yeah, what she said.

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 11

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - space
Well then, Oetzi, you see were you stand in the eyes of the Salonistas. Obviously not in the Salon of the Atelier.

My parents used to say, "You made your bed, now lie in it." I think that's where you're at, Oetzi. As I said before, the Atelier [more and more of the H2G2 communities you've frequented] have seen your pattern of behavior and have had enough. Your days on BBCi's pages may well be numbered---unless you change the way you conduct yourself in this virtual environment.

Be nice. Discuss, don't harangue. Suggest topics of relevent discourse, don't go off on obscure tangents. Ask questions and consider the answers, don't flame someone because they see it differently than you do. When someone asks you a question, answer it as directly as you feel comfortable doing, or let them know you don't feel good about opening up on the subject; don't give someone a "case closed" response.

That's not just for the Atelier; that's for any of the BB systems or chat rooms out there. The reason the term "netiquette" arose is that people who discuss and debate ideas prefer to have some "rules of conduct" or "public manners" to ensure the conversations don't get "personal", but rather address the issues.

Your almost half a century old, Oetzi. Tell me you've SOMEthing about interacting with other human beings in that time...


Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 12

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - space

You're almost half a century old, Oetzi. Tell me you've learned SOMEthing about interacting with other human beings in that time...


Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 13


This is a non restricted cyber're welcome.

Well B4 you know HAAN...think you should do. Just think of yourself
in public cyberspace. BBC to all. Thanks for your comments.

Ben, yes that's understood and acknowledged.

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 14

Mrs Zen

Understood is cool.
Acknowledged is cool.

But I find myself assuming on previous track record that it won't make the blindest bit of difference.

smiley - shrug

I really can only cope with one unhousetrained adolescent who has to be told and told and told again, and he is making himself a bacon sandwich even as I speak. I am therefore ing.


Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 15



Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 16

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - space
Ah, well. I won't waste any more of your time, then...

Find a happy place,

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 17


Nice to meet you

Call back anytime

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 18


I'll close this thread
see you on the ether cousin!

Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 19


hi everyone,

I think Ben's posting (number 9) sums up the situation very well. I was patient for awhile and tried to be friendly, but now I am just tired and fed up.


Oetzi, could we talk for just a bit...?

Post 20


i have been on the bbc a few months, mostly reading, not contributing much. i have read much of oetzi's postings because of some trouble i saw when i signed on. i do not see any trouble with him. his views are different but he is allowed them. he does not use the bad language. he speaks his mind. he does not adopt lubricating false social conventions. this is him. this makes him individual. he is accepting you despite you are attacking him all the time. why cannot you do the same. allow this person to be who they are and respect his views. being 12 or 44 or 50 does not mean you are better. being older is not better. being older is meaning more experience but also forgetting the small emotions of the past. allowing people to be who they are is making you different.

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