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There's a song in my heart, a cheery and a tuny verse

Post 1

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

...And the sad bit is, that's actually from a song I have to sing...

The point is, I have Madly Rapt in Scouting ( a song from my procudtion) stuck in my head. And the lyrics are weird. And I was singing it to myself and now my Dad thinks I'm an idiot.

Anyway, this is how it goes (and yes, the music is as cheesy as the song):

We're madly rapt in scouting
We're going on an outing
We'll walk for miles in fresh and smog free air
It's great to spend a Saturday when the weather's fair
So far from city life without a wordly care
We wish we could keep it up for 7 days a week
Swimming and fishing in an unpolluted creek
Now we are not conservationists nor ratbags nor louts
You see we're just (keep your garters up)
All (keep your woggles on)

Did I tell you or did I tell you? It's a pretty funny song, but it's really annoying having it going through your head OVER and OVER again...


There's a song in my heart, a cheery and a tuny verse

Post 2

Secretly Not Here Any More

When I was still in the Ventures, all we sang was 'Wild Rover' (about a woman of ill-repute), 'the Sheep Shagging Blues' and the odd drunken rendition of Wonderwall at 4am.

Eeeh, those were the days...

There's a song in my heart, a cheery and a tuny verse

Post 3


smiley - erm My condolences.

There's a song in my heart, a cheery and a tuny verse

Post 4

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

It's from Showtime, I've never sung it before now, but on hikes and stuff we tend to sing all kinds of stuff fromg Gangshow and Showtime and any other songs we can think of so I'll probably be singing this at some point later on...

Although we do tend to go through Bottles of Beer a LOT... Especially me smiley - evilgrin I once started at about 9000 and worked my way down until the other started throwing stuff at me... smiley - evilgrin Then we moved onto make up various versions of Old MacDonald.

I'm going up to Venturers soon smiley - biggrin As soon as I get my green cord and Australian Scout Medallian... And my brother just got home from Rovers and wants me to get off...

There's a song in my heart, a cheery and a tuny verse

Post 5

Arisztid Lugosi

my brother does that all the time... he'll come home and want the computer and it doesnt matter if i've only just gone on.. because i had the oppertunity to goon the entire time he was gone, but for some strange reason it doesnt seem to work both ways...
sorry, this posting ended up being a bit of a rant about my brother. sorry about the song being stuck in your head cat smiley - smiley

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