A Conversation for The World's Best Beaches

East Coast - Malaysia

Post 1


Langkawi is nothing compared to the East coast!
Pulau Perhentian, I'd say, or rather both of them, big and small.
Or Rantau Abang just for the turtles (if they actually have the decency to come when you have waited all night...)

Southeast Alaska

Post 2


Slate Beach isn't really the name of this beach, it doesn't have a name. An island nearby is called Slate, and we always called the beach Slate. You can't drive here, no one lives here, if you go by in a boat, the rocks about a half mile from shore discourage you from heading in, maybe a float plane could land. Most people don't find Slate, someone has to take you in, and that is one of the treasures of the place.

The beach is close to a mile long, with fine light gray sand. We have big tides, with extremes from minus 4 feet, to a 20 foot high, but you can bring a boat onto the sand at any tide, which I have never seen anywhere else. You're going to have a 100 yard walk to the tree line if you come in on a minus tide. The trees are another joy, 70 - 100 foot tall spruce and cedars grow to the high tide mark, and their branches will hang over the water. You do need to pick you camp site carefully. The winter storms have blown in plenty of drift wood, bring your chain saw and you can have a camp fire that will keep 50 people warm, and don't worry, nobody is coming around to tell you to put it out.

You'll need sun screen if the sun is out, rain gear if it's raining, and don't forget the 12 gauge with some slugs, those nosey grizzlies sometimes have to discouraged.

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East Coast - Malaysia

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