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Post 1


Hee hee I can just see you now scribbling furiously like I do on a piece of scrap papersmiley - rofl
Such exciting lives we leadsmiley - huh
Didn't make this one too easy..I dont even know what the hell it meanssmiley - somersaultsmiley - laugh


Post 2


You may well laugh and you guessed correctly, i'm scribbling like mad and your word is hard, I can't find the start or the end smiley - yikes but I do enjoy it, sometimes I feel a bit guilty that I havn't had a proper delve into h2g2 because theres always another word... havn't even finished my page smiley - rofl.. oh and when we were locked out! I was climbing the walls thinking that the word games were all happening without me.. much better than watching the tv tho..

smiley - love S


Post 3


Oh well I'm glad you enjoy it.If you wanna clue give me a shout!
Incidentally I added you to my friends list Sam..hope you dont think I'm being forwardsmiley - smiley
Then again clues sometimes spoil things dont they?
That one Mort posted was a killer..a bit like my ophicleidesmiley - laugh
Yeah your right about the sucks!apart from E/enders of course!smiley - rofl
smiley - artist


Post 4


Hi Gordon, i'm glad you added me to your friends list... believe it or not I didn't realise that I could do anagrams until I tried on here.. the one on Countdown I can't get at all its too quick for me so I just assumed I couldn't do them.. and Mort's word had me going through my dictionary page by page smiley - grr & smiley - steam... i'm not quite ready for a clue yet but I have a feeling that i'm going to need one smiley - doh I also enjoy logic problems I can sit for hours working my way through them..
Now.. back to that word!

smiley - love S


Post 5


check out the 'mix the last 3 letters' smiley - rofl

smiley - love S


Post 6


I just did...all good fun!smiley - evilgrin


Post 7


Yeah I just saw your post.. he'll be scratching his head as to how to answer that one.. its brilliant... smiley - rofl

smiley - love S


Post 8


smiley - whistleI see it has been bodyswerved..still waiting for a response...How you doing with the word?smiley - erm
Rebs is ok..well so I've been told from a good source..HELLO REB'S I can tell your lurking!I dont really mind a bit of banter Sam but I cant abide folk bringing me down for no reason..
I know in my heart he means no harm so as far as I'm concerned its just a bit of fun..maybe it was you he was getting atsmiley - somersaultsmiley - laugh's

smiley - erm


Post 9


He he it most definately was me he was getting at, but I deliberately put your name in knowing your Scottish too.. that was a bit evil of me lol... he definately did a sidestep (this time) and yes Rebs is ok i've known him from LD days.. well the word is just not coming at all.. still no beginning or end I turn the back to front but I see zilch smiley - sadface got a few in the 9 letter one tho.. but they were easy compaired to yours...

smiley - love S


Post 10


Oh you little minxsmiley - laugh's
Well I can see the funny side..hope he cansmiley - ermI've forgotten the word now....Ooops only kidding!
I havent really got access to a really good dictionary but I think I need to go buy one soon!
So your Scottish..where are you then?
Its ok you can be vague if you like I wont be offended!


Post 11


I'm a smiley - devil at times.. I'm from East Fife a place called Windygates..
I would be totally lost without my Oxford Illustrated dictionary I like to check the spelling before I post just incase.. already made a cracker of a mistake so I don't want a repeat.. I also have the Oxford interactive on my computer but I don't use it.. it would mean me moving from my comfy seat.. lazy or what!! can I ask where you hail from?

smiley - love S


Post 12


Sam I'm roughly 7 miles from Glasgow city centre to the East about 5 miles from Hamilton if youve ever heard of it!
Actually I'd love to know what this word meanssmiley - ermHow do I get Oxford interactive..I've a bushnet box in the other room..would I just search for it..excuse my lack of computer knowledge I unfortunately dont have one through choice as I think I'd turn into more of a hermit than I am at the moment..smiley - rofl


Post 13


Heres something for said you like problems n stuff...

Only thing is you will have to do the working out with a pen or something..anyway to get to the point,
With one stroke and one stroke one mark with a pen make this mathematical problem equate;


smiley - smiley


Post 14


Gordon I don't have a clue because i've got it on CD.. i'm not hooked up to the internet but I would imagine it will be there.. just type in Oxford Interactive Dict in one of the search engines and see what it comes up with.. you should get a few results and for what you require just click on it... I use my computer for work so I prefer sitting here with my little keyboard on the sofa.. but when h2g2 locked me out once again I was wishing that my computer was in a state to go on the internet.. I will at some point do this but it needs an upgrade first..

smiley - love S


Post 15


Only once stroke OMG it's not that easy at first sight...

ps I meant to say that I have of course heard of Hamilton my dad comes from Beith in Ayrshire but moved here when he married my mum...

smiley - love S


Post 16


It is easy babe..I'll leave it with you for the time being...My mum moved to Ayrshire..what a travel I have when its visiting
smiley - okI'm offsky..been nice head hurts with all this staring at a screensmiley - online2longso hope to see you later and I'll keep my eyes open for when you solve the anagram..take care and goodmorning


Post 17


Nite G.. well i'm off too as i'm up at 7 for work.. sleep well and chat soon.. smiley - zzz

smiley - love S


Post 18


I got it... you turn the second plus sign inot a 4 making 5 + 545 = 550 that was abit of a cheat saying I had to work it out on paper!! good one tho..

smiley - love S


Post 19


Well done...if you post a ten letter anagram quickly you will get a turn!smiley - laugh


Post 20


I hope you read my bit about your word.. I thought it better to type it up in there rather than just tell you here as it was a perfectly good word... oh but what an explanation I didnt type all of it up its from the word ABITURIENTENEXAMEM...smiley - puffsmiley - rofl I manage to get my freebie lol

smiley - love S

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