A Conversation for Talking Point: Modern Life Is Rubbish

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Post 1


- Do you miss the days when the whole family gathered around the TV for those weekly highlights?

Well, I actually don't remember those days - When were they?

One piece of really great technology is the hard drive video recorder. In my family we record the small percentage of good stuff that's shown on TV and then we all sit down together and watch it when we want to. It's fun. smiley - smiley

- Is modern noise pollution making you see red on your daily commute?

I hate people talking on their phones on the train. They either have nothing to say ("I'm on the train...") or too much ("My mum's got cancer..." - yes! I've actually heard that!). smiley - sadface

Otherwise I'm not bothered by noise pollution, modern or otherwise.

- Do you bemoan the state of the written word and the rise of the text abbreviation? Could we ever return to the age of letters?

People get a bit over the top about this subject - and I've been guilty of this too.

As long as we all understand each other then who cares how we communicate?

There have always been two types of communication: Casual and official.

Bad English in official communication should be avoided. But most people wouldn't know about this and would ask why it was important anyway.

They are probably right. The majority rules smiley - ok. Just so long as you are understood!

- Has the mobile phone removed any trace of civilised behaviour from the planet?

I think society has removed civility from the top of the list not mobile phones. Mobile phones are awful but not that awful! Disempowerment of traditional role models has destroyed civilised behaviour. No one has any respect for anyone - even if they say they do..."respect..."

- Ever wish you were following a shire horse across a field instead of a mouse across a desk top?

Society doesn't like tradition or eccentricity anymore. Following a shire horse would be dubbed crazy. But yes!, I'd love to but only if no one laughs while I do! smiley - biggrin

Askme1 smiley - fish

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Post 2


I've found society to be quite accommodating of eccentricity. You just need to be careful about your target audience...

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