A Conversation for Talking Point: Computer Games

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Post 1


I understand that a large quantity of Hootooers are unable to access this kind of stuff due to firewall and territorial restrictions. But this programme from BBC Four is an amusing aside on the whole 'computer games, huh. What are they good for? etc. etc.' debate...
Warning: it's Charlie Brooker so expect some swearing smiley - winkeye

Startlingly relevant

Post 2


I watched the program last night . It was entertaining and thought provoking .
Can games be educational and stimulating ? yes they can . But many games seem to be about blowing the brains out of somebody with a gun . The bit in brookers program where he was giving a little biography of the enemy soldiers " this is Gunta , he is married with 2 small children his wifes name is Anna , they live in a small village near Kiel" Then shooting him in the neck so that blood spurted out everywere and then shooting him again as he lay on the floor so his limbs came off , acompanied by yet more buckets of blood . Before moving on to another room and doing the same again . Just how educational or enriching to somebody is playing a game like that ? It must de-sensatise children [ and adults ] to violence and the consiqences of there actions .

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