A Conversation for Talking Point: Computer Games

I LOVE gaming!

Post 1


Could we turn a trend to our advantage, and teach advanced concepts via the medium of gaming?

I can't see why not. A lot of children these days use technology in learning environments. I have found myself that I am better at doing things in "real" life because i have got better at doing them via gaming, so if it works with catching a ball, or playing tennis, then it might work for advanced physics.

Have you ever experienced a beneficial effect after playing a computer game?

Absolutely. I can now actually hit a tennis ball with a racket which I have never managed to do. Also, ten pin bowling. I am not a professional by any stretch of the imagination, but I am a darn sight better than I used to be!

Do you think teenagers would be turned off if they knew a computer game was 'educational'?

Yes. I would be! smiley - smiley

Do you think that we should now accept gaming as a necessary part of growing up?

Probably. I can't see how children would not be exposed to it in some way.

Ever come up with an idea for a great game that won't rot your brain?

No, but now you've suggested that, I might consider it!

Do you worry about the detrimental effects of gaming 'violence' (guns, war etc.) on youngsters?

Well, forget the youngsters! What about us?! Some of the games are so realistic now that people might suffer from trauma from the violence and blood and guts. People can be very impressionable, so while I believe gaming is fine, there needs to be some control over it.

Is the recent trend for 'brain training' games just a promotional fad?

I hope not.

As original gamers now hit middle age, is it time to embrace all aspects of gaming as a daily part of our lives?

I already have thank you! I exercise daily with my Wii Fit, and I find the boxing simulations the best thing for stress relief!

I LOVE gaming!

Post 2


Nice summation Crickett.
I look forward to Beta testing your game smiley - winkeye
I, too, love(d) gaming. I think the only downside to my years spent walking round deserted space stations picking up things and firing at monsters was the amount of time that it ate. After a week or two odf playing a role-playing game I worked out that I'd lost an entire DAY to the game. It was a sobering thought and that (along with the fact that I was staying up way past any sensible bed-time) put paid to my gaming. I do miss it though...AND, as a final plus, I did find that it helped me pass my driving test. First go.
My driving instructor told me that it's often the case that gamers have better reaction times and are better drivers all round. Weird.

I also feel that we now have a responsibility to make something that's so ingrained into our culture into something more useful, educationally or as a part of the new societal fabric of 'social networking' that's sprung up in recent years. It isn't going away, so let's make it more inclusive. The WII's been an amazing step forward in all thios, I'm sure.

I LOVE gaming!

Post 3


I'm in my teens and I don't actually have much interest in gaming, therefore i have no belief in other peoples opinions of it being "beneficial."

Doubtless it is better than watching tv, but believing that one can get better at a particular thing, like driving, through gaming, is, in my opinion, wishful thinking. If you want to get good at something then do IT, not a simulation, the only thing your gonna get better at by gaming is gaming.

despite this though, with the advance of systems like the Wii and others like it (I believe that sony are developing a "virtual controller) gaming could become benificial as it becomes more realistic, still won't beat the real thing though.

I LOVE gaming!

Post 4

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

I'd rather not shoot real people and forge real empires through bloody and vicious conquest, thank you very much.

smiley - pirate

I LOVE gaming!

Post 5


haha, well when I said that I was relating to games that people suppose they can learn stuff off.

I'd also rather keep "resident evil" in the console, I don't like zombies. smiley - run

I LOVE gaming!

Post 6

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

But they're so cute! smiley - winkeye

smiley - pirate

I LOVE gaming!

Post 7


i'll take you're word for it.

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