A Conversation for Talking Point: Etiquette

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Post 1


When was the last time someone was genuinely courteous to you?
Earlier today. Nearly everyone is courteous, so much so that it really makes the few louts stand out.

Holding a door open for a member of the opposite sex: outmoded sexism or just common decency?
I generally hold the door open for the next person, regardless. The person usually says thanks. I think we as a society are getting pretty good at this sort of thing.

Do we need to invent new rules and codes to deal with a burgeoning populace?
I think rules evolve by themselves just fine.

For example, Emily Post did not post rules for electronic communication when we first started with computers. We just learned to be nice, give each other the benefit of the doubt, apologize for any misunderstanding, and if that didn't work, ignore the troll.

Could we learn more from other cultures about the way we treat each other?
I'd be really, really cautious with this one.

Is a more spiritual approach to the burdens of modern life a way of taking off the pressure instead?
I have no idea what that means.

Is there a custom you'd like to see make a comeback?
Like the charming custom of making some people use a different drinking fountain? No, thank you very much.

Some behaviors die out for a reason.

What's the rudest thing you've ever done (and do you regret it?)?
I yelled something rude out of a moving car at a former governor of this state. I don't regret it, but in retrospect he was a lot better than the one we have now.

smiley - smiley

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