A Conversation for Talking Point: Etiquette

is rudeness on the increase? That's not my experience.

Post 1


For the record, I live in the centre of a metropolis of over a million people, a large proportion of them new immigrants from all over the world. Here are some of my answers to the questions in the talking points and I wonder if anyone else shares my type of experience:

When was the last time someone was genuinely courteous to you?

about ten minutes ago. people are generally always genuinely courteous.smiley - erm

Holding a door open for a member of the opposite sex: outmoded sexism or just common decency?

around here, the first person to the door holds the door open for someone nearby, regardless of sex. It's just common decency.smiley - erm

Do we need to invent new rules and codes to deal with a burgeoning populace?

not that I can see.

Could we learn more from other cultures about the way we treat each other?

perhaps that's why people around here are so polite: we're all from somewhere else.

Is a more spiritual approach to the burdens of modern life a way of taking off the pressure instead?

I don't know what that means.

Is there a custom you'd like to see make a comeback?

Not particularly. We still have most of them.smiley - winkeye

What's the rudest thing you've ever done (and do you regret it?)?

Apart from farting at the dinner table?smiley - erm

is rudeness on the increase? That's not my experience.

Post 2


I agree. The vast majority of people are friendly & helpful. I feel sorry for the rude and intolrant, they must lead sad lives.
One small point. Are you sure farting at the dinner table is rude or something to regret?smiley - monster

is rudeness on the increase? That's not my experience.

Post 3


I am certain it is nothing to regret although I am uncertain about its propriety.smiley - smiley

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is rudeness on the increase? That's not my experience.

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