This is the Message Centre for Lochangel

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 61


EV that is awful

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 62

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Thank you!

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 63


Somehow I don't think that was a compliment. smiley - winkeye

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 64

Is mise Duncan

...nice smiley - ale. and it's quite a tricky drink to pour smiley - winkeye.

Did you notice that I got my footie results? I therefore propose the name "Rigobert Song" for the little African mouse.

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 65

Wand'rin star

What was the name of the referee? Though he was obviously a lion rather than a mouse.That Nigerian shot was over the linesmiley - smiley

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 66

Is mise Duncan

True - but the referee is not to blame...seeing whether a ball crosses the line or not is the responsibility of the linesman; as a certain Russian one in 1966 showed smiley - smiley.
(And no - I don't know either of their names)

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 67

Wand'rin star

This one came from Tunisia seemingly but I can't think of any mouse connections.Rigobert does have a certain ring to it,though.

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 68

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Yeah, how about Ringobert.
I'm sorry that was entirely not funny.
But then I only came back top collect my moose,
which will soon be needed in the Forum-That-Left-the-Moral-Highground.

here girl!
*hairy beast with dreamy brown eyes stares back lazily from its place among the vegetation*

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